disciplines Qna 관련 답변 44 페이지


영어 문법 질문요

~is to see what departments and disciplines universities group under this name. 에서요 해석을 보니까 what 절에서 맨 앞에 목적어가 오는데 왜 이런식으로 오는지좀 가르쳐...


해석 꼭꼭꼭부탁드려요 꼭꼭

... they impose the disciplines of the market on incumbent management; they finance... they impose the disciplines of the market on incumbent management; they finance new...



Within various disciplines, including Communication and LIS, the methodology has been used to study information seeking associated with myriad settings and services, including...


영어 번역 부탁드립니다.. 내공은...

... Other disciplines such as psychology and business have... health-related disciplines: oncology, nursing... After the literature in the aforementioned disciplines was...


영어 해석좀 부탁합니다

... Lead surgeon David Dunaway told a news conference said it was a "real surgical challenge, a very rare and complex operation, drawing together many different disciplines....


faith thinking 책 읽으신분 도와...

... He is interested in the contemporary reformulation of the Christian tradition and the engagement of Christian theology with other disciplines, notably...


번역좀 부탁드립니다. 내공최대로 걸께요...

... This study aims at reviewing domestic and overseas computer education disciplines and courses and suggesting improvement countermeasures for Korean computing education and implications of...


영어변역해주시고 빈칸에 들어갈말좀여...

... They're terribly preoccupied with their bodies,but they've lost touch with mental disciplines.What this means is that fewer students are using higher education to find out (여기에...


영작 부탁드립니다. 급해요^^* 내공 100...

... Even though it was a short period of time, those disciplines abroad widened my perspective with which I look at this world and hardened my view of life and valuable experiences. In...


건강한교회에 대해서 자세히설명하실분...

... 개인적 훈련 (Personal disciplines) 건강한 교회는 연령에 관계없이 모든 성도들이 자신들의 매일의 삶 속에서 영적 훈련을 할 수 있도록 훈련 프로그램을 제공하며...


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