rule of thumb Qna 관련 답변 41 페이지

at the mercy ofthumb

물리문제를 영어로 놓은것인데요 뭔지...

According to a rule-of-thumb, every five seconds between a lightning flash and the following thunder gives the distance to the flash in miles. Assuming that the flash of light arrives in essentially no...


영어문장 질문있어요

A good rule of thumb is to keep your car maintained in such way that you wouldn't be embarrassed to drive it to a job. to drive 는 어떤용법으로...


영어 2문장 해석해주세요

... a rule of thumb is a having of life for every 10. as for TT class 12. further TT classes designed numerically at 20 increments. 보온재(인슐레이션)는 핫 스팟...



... As far as a rule of thumb goes, the figures we got in our studies were that people using that standard earbud could listen at about 80% of maximum volume for 90...


영어 번역좀 부탁드립니다. ㅠㅠ...

... A rule of thumb is to have as many boars as the number of sows weaned each week. ㅠㅠ 수퇘지와 암퇘지의 관련된 글인데요 baor - 수퇘지고요 sows - 암퇘지입니다....


영어 문장 해석

... for rule of thumb 이게 과학이 경험의 법칙을 점진적으로 대체하게 하려는 것 인데 문장구조가 비슷한 것 같은데 왜 첫 문장과 두번째 문장의...


영어 문장 해석 좀 부탁드립니다.

... One contemporary rule of thumb devised by the Barbados planter Edward Littleton was that a planter with a hundred slaves would need to buy eight or ten a year...


영어 고수님 해석해주세요

a good rule of thumb is always to be polite and considerate of others and to refrain from offensive remarks. This holds true whether you are asking a question via a company's e...


급합니다..영어 독해 해석좀요 ㅠㅠ

The Definition of Multimedia 02 Multimedia Elements A rule-of-thumb for the minimum development cost of a packaged multimedia production with video for commercial presentation is...


영어 해석요

as a general rule-of thumb, we can say that the extractive power of phosphourus-containing extractants increases with increase in the number of carbon-phosphorus bonds over the...


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