luckily Qna 관련 답변 41 페이지

이 문제좀 알려주세요

... Idea Factory 9 - make the earth healthy 10 - My sister will buy an ice cream for me. 11 - The magician made the woman a dove. 12 - B) feel luckily - feel lucky


영어 답좀 가르쳐 주세요.

... luckily 4. unhappy 5.unhappily. 5.빈칸에 드어갈 말이 나머지와 다른... luckily 4. unhappy 5.unhappily. 5.빈칸에 드어갈 말이 나머지와 다른...



... He asked me to audition for the role and, luckily. I got it. the movie was a big... He asked me to audition for the role and, luckily. I got it. 제작자는 나에게...


중학교 영어 문제

... 18. 1) is not as tall as 2) studies as long as 19. 1) is as famous as 2) is not as strong as 20. 1) tooth-> teeth 2) bigger-> big 3) Lucky-> Luckily

태그: 문제풀이

Four Long Minutes 라는 이야기 번역좀...

... Luckily, there was no pump at the end of the pipe. There was only a pool of water.... Luckily, there was no pump at the end of the pipe. 다행히, 파이프 끝에는...


영어단어 발음하고 뜻좀 알려주세요 ㅠ...

(1)When (2)ball (3)into (4)basket (5)ladder (6)climbed (7)took (8)Luckily (9)player (10)fast (11)run (12)... (8)luckily 발음:러킐리(러클리, 러킬리)(라-크일-리, 라에서 세게) 뜻:운좋게...


중1영어 해석>< 내공50~

... Luckily, lives near my house. so we go home together after school. We also do our... Luckily, lives near my 지나는 정말 좋은 소녀야. 그녀는 항상...


발음 좀 부턱드려요 ㅜ

... Luckily, however, the maching broke down at that instant. Christy called in a... Luckily, however, 엣 풜스트 히 아슘드 더 불쥐 워즈 언 알티팍크트 앤...



A:It looks like you're really doing well in this class B:Well, luckily it's... B:Well, luckily it's _____, which is a huge relief (a)as I expected not as...


■(3)정확한 번역 부탁드립니다. 내공...

... “Luckily none of us were there. The letter from Mummy says: ‘Dear Children!... “Luckily none of us were there. The letter from Mummy says: ‘Dear Children! Now...


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