with respect to Qna 관련 답변 4 페이지

In terms of..." 2."From the p

In terms of..." 2."From the perspective of..." 3."Considering that..." 4."Regarding..." 5."With respect to..." 6."In light of..." 7."Taking into account..." 8."Given that..." 9."In...


그 현상 이름좀 알려주세요

... 미국의 사회학자 윌리엄 필딩 오그번(William Fielding Ogburn)의 1922년 저서 〈Social Change with Respect to Culture and Original Nature〉(사회변동론(社會變動論))에서...

태그: 사회현상, 기술발전, 정신적발전

미시경제학 질문

... B) At the equilibrium values, calculate the cross-price elasticity of demand for golf balls with respect to the price of titanium. What does the sign...

태그: 미시경제학, 경제학, 가격, 탄력성, 미시경제학문제

접속사 없이 두문장이.....ㅠㅠ

This is his order, but we should partake, each one examining himself with respect to his worthiness. 주절 this is ~ 접속절 but ~ 근데 each one 부분은 접속사로...


Several English Questions!

*Previous research has shown that reviews with different [valences] may differ 1(with respect to) the discussed topics, which influence the helpfulness of the reviews. The argument...


with regard to와 같은 말들

좀 싹 다 알려주세요 with regard to (~에 관하여)와 같은 뜻의 단어나 숙어들로는: concerning / regarding / as to / as regard / with respect to / with...


영어 문장 분석 질문

'A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience...

태그: 문장해석, 영어문법, 영어, 문장성분, 문장구조, 숙어표현

회로이론 문제 질문

문제는 find the closed-gain of the ouput voltage with respect to the input voltage 입니다 조건은 closed-loop, Av가 v0/vs이고 vs=v1cos(ω0t) 입니다 조건이 저거라...


문법 사항 및 주요구조가 뭐가 있을까요?

... With respect to the satisfaction for skin, depending on skin type, there were significant differences in skin color, elasticity, pores, and acne. Taken...


전치사 질문

... with respect to 3. concerning 4. regarding 5. as to 6. as far 7. about 8. on 9. pertaining to 안녕하세요 with regarding to: 잘못된 표현입니다. 올바른 표현은 "with regard...


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