well Qna 관련 답변 4 페이지

as well 용법 좀 설명해주세요.

as well 용법 좀 설명해주세요. I'm worried about getting hacked as well. 이 문장에서 as well 무엇을 강조하는 것인지 설명해주세요 주어를 강조하는지 목적어를...


not only A but also B, as well

to preserve the heritage of a place as well as the... as well as the environment"이지만, 이를 "not only A but... as well as the environment 변형된 문장: not only to...


It is well to 가주어

It is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is... 여기서 well이 부사가 아니라 형용사로 쓰인 건가요?? It is well to remember from time to time...


well known 은 pp형태가 맞나요?

well이라는 부사와 known이라는 과거 분사가 합쳐진... is well known ~~ 는 수동태가 쓰여있다고 볼 수 없나요 The singer is well known in this country. 수동태로 사용된...


무배당 3N5 WELL100 실속간편건강보험...

도수치료를 받으면서 한화손해보험에 무배당 3N5 WELL100 실속간편건강보험 상품이 가입... 무배당 3N5 WELL100 실속간편건강보험에서 도수치료를 실손으로 청구하려면 진료비...


how well 순서

how well he played the piano 를 how he played the piano well 로 써도 되나요 ?? well의 위치는 고정인가요 ?? 안녕하세요. "how well he played the piano"와 "how he played the piano well...


as well as 뜻

She doesn't go as well as she has expected. 이게 그녀가 기대한 만큼 잘 되지 않았다라는데요. as well as 는... She doesn't go as well as she has expected. 이게 그녀가...


not only but also as well as

We simply need to respect different personalities as well as our own. 이 문장을... We simply need to respect different personalities as well as our own. 이...


Well, with all the cases of fo

Well, with all the cases of food poisoning being... 질문 Well, with all the cases of food poisoning being... =>Well, with all the cases of food poisoning [(which is)...


부사 well

She can play the piano well 이라는 문장에서 부사 well은 누구를 꾸며주고 있는건가요??? 부사 "well"은 동사 "play"를 꾸며주고 있습니다. "Well"은 여기서 "잘"이라는...

태그: 지식인카드, 지식인카드답변, 플레이스URL

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