the hours Qna 관련 답변 4 페이지

hours뜻더 아워스hours

<the hours>라는 영화 줄거리 아시는...

혹시 줄거리 아시는 분...좀 알려주세여 영화평 써오라구 영활 보여줬는데 자버려서..-_-;;; 자세히 알려주심 좋구 아니라두 감사해요~ 내공 조금 걸어요^_^ 1923년 영국 리치몬드...


and the quiet hours of it is few...

since life is very short, and the quiet hours of it is few, we ought to waste none of them in reading valueless books. => life being very short, and the quiet hours of it...


We live two hours from the downtown....

We live two hours from the downtown. 우리는 시내에서 2시간 거리에 살고 있다. 여기에서 hours의 품사가 부사,명사인가요? live가 자동사로서 "살다" 의...


two hours before문법구조가 이해가...

... make a request for special meals at least 48hours before departure - It was two hours before the tow truck came. - He sobbed himself to sleep for days after his grandpa died


two hours, we finally reached the...

... 두 시간 후에 우리는 마침내 그 해변이 도착했다. after two hours, we finally reached the coast. we finally reached the coast after two hours

태그: 독해

he spends more hours in the workplace...

he spends more hours in the workplace than does john 왜 비교급 than뒤에 도치되었죠 ? ? 이유가공금합니다 ㅜㅜ he /spends //<more> hours //in the workplace...


open and close two hours after the museum

the exhibition will open and close two hours after the museum 박물관이 아침8시에 열리면 전시회는 10시에 열고 박물관이 저녁 8시에 폐장하면 전시회는 저녁...


the journey being over 12hours long...

Amount of 단수로 알고있는데 Despite the journey being over 12hours long there was a Surprising amount of things to do on the boat Surprising amount of things. 왜 thing....


The workshop last for several hours.

Please reserve room 200 for Monday afternoon, since the workshop is expected to last for several hours. several 앞의 for이 생략될 수 있다는데 생략될 수 있는 조건이 뭔가요?...


arrive at the airport three hours ago.

Please arrive at the airport( 1 ) three hours before ( 2 )your flight departs. 괄호 1번에 전치사가 들어갈필요가없나요? (Before 전치사가 뒤에서와서그런가요? 아니면 명사...

태그: 문법, 전치사, 영어, 생략

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