someone Qna 관련 답변 4 페이지

to make someone feel

to make someone feel certain that something is true 이건 몇형식 문장인가요?! 질문 to make someone feel certain that something is true 이건 몇형식...


Someone something

동물은 someone이에요 something이에요? 영어에서 someone은 사람에게만 부여합니다. 나머지는... 참조하세요.

태그: Someone, Something

It is someone to tal

1.It is someone to talk with that she needs these days.... 1.It is someone to talk with that she needs these days.... (It is) someone <to talk with> (that) she needs these days. ( ) 부분...


someone은 3인칭 단수아닌가요?

listen to someone speak for a few moments 라는 명령문을 봤는데요 someone (who) speak 이렇게 되는거고 someone이 단수대명사니까 speaks 라고 해야되는거...


1. Someone은 인칭대명사인가요

1. Someone은 인칭대명사인가요 ? 2. Someone , who has had that habit , was killed... 에서 분사구문으로 바꿀 수 있는데 그걸 다시 또 바꾸면 Someone ,as...


I don't need someone

I don't need someone telling me what is best for me. 이 문장에선 someone telling 사이에 who is 나 that is 가 생략된 거라고 보면 되나요? I don't need someone telling me...


Was that someone els

Was that someone else aware of the accident? 이... Was that someone else aware of the accident? 이 문장에서... there was someone else (who were) aware of the accident


Someone 뒤에 동사가 올경우 단수

Someone 뒤에 오는 동사에는 s를 붙이는 걸로 알고있는데 그럼 아델의 노래 Someone like you는 틀린 문법 아닌가요?? Someone like you == 당신과 같은 사람 (전치사)...


when saying goodbye to someone

when saying goodbye to someone. when say goodbye가 아니라 saying goodbye인 이유가... When (you are) saying goodbye to someone 에서 주어와 be동사가 생략된 경우입니다. 아래 다른...


someone somebody som

someone somebody something / everyone everybody everything / no one nobody nothing... someone somebody something / everyone everybody everything / no one nobody nothing / anyone...


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