led to Qna 관련 답변 4 페이지


The accident led to her being...

The accident led to her being afraid to participate. The accident led her to be afraid to participate. 어떤게 맞고 1번째가맞다면 lead to 다음에 목적어가 나와도...


Corona virus has led to an...

Corona virus has led to an explosion of new words and phrases. 코로나 바이러스로 인해 새로운 단어와 문구가 폭발적으로 증가했습니다.

태그: 검색질문, 통합검색궁금증, 통합검색질문하기

of led me to unfairly lump meditation...

And that kind of led me to unfairly lump meditation in with aura readings, vision boards and dolphin healing. 여기서 어떻게 Kind of 다음에 명사인 주어가 없이 바로...


however, have led to a growing number

Delays in getting vaccines to the public, however, have led to a growing number of online scams claiming to offer the shots to anyone willing to pay the right price. --- 번역은요? 그러나...


His wife's death led him to fall...

His wife's death led him to fall into deep grief. 끊어서 해석 부탁드려요~~~! 그의 부인의 죽음은 (His wife's death) 그를 깊은 슬픔의 나락으로...


His wife's death led him to fall...

His wife's death led him to fall into deep grief. 몇형식인지 알려주시고 문장 성분 분석도 부탁드립니다~ 5형식입니다 his wife's death 주어 led 동사 him...


문장의 형식 5형식에서 5형식에 led가...

... 현재분사, 동사원형 중에서 무엇을 쓰나요? 5형식 문장에서 동사 "led"가 나올 때, 목적격 보어로는 "to부정사"를 사용합니다. "He led us to believe in ourselves."


the enlightenment led to Parliament~~?

... how ideas from the enlightenment led to Parliament in England limiting the powers of the absolute Monarchy? 영어로좀대답해주세요!!!!완전완전중요한거거든요ㅠㅜ...


selection led to information...

The likely reason is that the large selection led to information overload, (which is) the feeling that the decision was too complicated for immediate action ▶which is가 생략된...


Lead to 관련 문제 알려주세요!!

... 에서 leading to를 led to로 바꾸면 왜 틀리는 지를 문법적으로 설명해주세요 !! 급해요!ㅠㅠ 질문Lead to 관련 문제 알려주세요!! 비공개...

태그: 영어문법, 고등영어, 고등영어문법, 영어, 영어공부, 영어도와주세요

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