hampered Qna 관련 답변 4 페이지


영어해석! 내공20!

... Ocean exploration was also hampered by the conditions below the surface. The... Ocean exploration was also hampered by the conditions below the surface. 대양탐사는...


죄송한대요 ㅠㅠ 해석부탁드릴게요 ..

... be hampered by a lackluster overseas program. The creation of this new position... be hampered 장애가 되고 있다고 알려져 있다. by a lackluster overseas...


급해요 최대한 빨리 영어 해석좀 해...

... quarrels whithin his party hampered Adams as President, and he made little progress... Quarrels whithin his party hampered Adams as President, and he made little progress with...


해석 좀 해주세요~~

... the west has hampered africa's progress in many more subtle ways. For decades it... the west has hampered africa's progress in many more subtle ways. 서구에서는...


해석 부탁합니다~!

... However, an army’s movement could be severely hampered by its supply train and... However, an army’s movement could be severely hampered by its supply train and it...


영어 고수님, 번역 부탁드릴께요~

... The supervisee's countertransference feelings hampered the therapeutic field from... The supervisee's countertransference feelings hampered the therapeutic field from...


영어독해 내공 60겁니다!빨리점..

... be hampered by old-fashioned views.Look at the people who praise themselves... If you have the desire to progress in your job, you should not let yourself be hampered by...


영어 고수님들~ 8문제만 풀어주세요...

... a)tailored b)hampered c)accustomed d)inclined 6.The wealth of former _____ can be... a)tailored b)hampered c)accustomed d)inclined 답 :a 그것은 부모들로...


영어해석좀 해주세요!

... 동생의 평가 Robert is developing his English skills at a good rate,but is hampered... 동생의 평가 Robert is developing his English skills at a good rate,but is hampered by...


영어 짧은 해석부탁해요~!

... had hampered national advancement and caused social instability and inconvenience for... had hampered national advancement /and caused social instability and inconvenience for...


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