as much as Qna 관련 답변 4 페이지

as much 와 as much as 차이가...

Tweaked energy drink to give half as much hydration and less energy buff. 위 문장에서 as much 대신 as much as를 사용할 수는 없나요? 사용할 수 없으면 왜 안되는지...


영어 문법 as much 가산, 불가산

The desire that men feel to increase their income is quite as much a desire for success as for the extra comforts that a higher income can procure. 여기서 as much 가 desire...


as much as 질문

as much as에서 뒤에잇는 as는 접속사로만 쓰이는건가요? 아니면 부사로도쓸수잇나요? 부사로쓸수잇다면 예문하나만만들어주세요.. as much as에서 뒤에잇는 as는...


as much as

The Japanese use seven tumes as much fish for food as do Americans. 이 문장이 옳다고 하는데 저는 as do Americans가 맞다는게 이해가 안됩니다. 오히려 as...


as much 질문요.

I like BTS as much as you. I ate as much dinner as you. I will take as many pictures as I can. 둘다 맞는 문장으로 아는데 like 동사뒤에 목적어가오고, ate, take같은...


As much질문

... That’s 27times as much. 60kg인 사럼이 태양에서는 1624가 나간다 그건은 27배이다 여기서 as much는 어떤 뜻이거요?? As much as ~~ 이렇게...


as much

Children don’t learn as much when their parents help them with their homework. 여기서 나오는 as much는 as much as와 다른건가요? as much 와 as much as의...


As much as◇ 내공 100

... "Customers only bought as much as they could carry..." 에서 as much as 는 앞에 문장이 완벽하므로 뒤에 부사인 much (많이)가 나오는게 맞는 건가요 ?? (2) as+원급+as +명사...


as much as 해석 질문이요

He was as much a slave to his racial views as the real slaves that he controlled as much as사이에 명사가 들어갈 수 있나요? 문장 구조 분석이랑 해석 부탁드려요 He...


As much as 이런 경우로 원급

As much as 이런 경우로 원급비교 할 때 Much는 부사로만 인가요? 많은 이러는 한정어? 도 있는 거로 아는데ㅠㅠ 도와주세요 질문 As much as 이런 경우로 원급비교 할 때...


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