hours Qna 관련 답변 35 페이지


add manufacture hours 추가가공시간...

add manufacture hours 추가가공시간 이렇게 쓰는거 맞아요?? additional manufacture hours 가 맞는문장이죠...^^


after two hours와 two hours later...

... 라는 걸 영작하다가 전 after two hours 이라 썼고, 책에는 two hours later 라 나오는데 after two hours 써도 괜찮지 않을까 생각해서요. 어느게 맞는거에용?...


Two Hours Traffic이라는 가수...

... Two Hours Traffic 4인조 인디락 밴드라고... Two Hours Traffic "I Feel Naked Without My... Two Hours Traffic - Whenever We Finish http://kr.youtube.com...


영어시간계산중에11/2 hours before...

... 11/2 hours before 가 왜 9:30이 되나요? 초보질문이지만 논리적으로설명해 주셨으면 해요~ hours 반땡!!!... 1 1/2 hours 는 one and a half hours 라고 하면 되고...


for 24 hour / for 24 hours 차이는?

... 3) We'll reconsider your offer for 24 hours. for 뒤에 a 24 hour, 24 hour, 24 hours... 왜냐면 24시간은 복수이기 때문에 hour 이 아니라 hours 라고 해야합니다....


quiet hours of it is few, we ought...

since life is very short, and the quiet hours of it is few, we ought to waste none of... => life being very short, and the quiet hours of it being few, we ought to waste...


2 hours of satisfying nectar from...

collect 2 hours of satisfying nectar from planters 하는법 알려주세요 퀘스트임 화분에서 Satisfying 과즙 2시간 얻기 Satisfying 과즙은 해바라기, 파인애플...


six or eight hours a day [해석]

Concert pianists must practice constantly six or eight hours a day is not an unusual amonout of time Concert pianists must practice constantly six or eight hours a day is...


i had three hours to spare for shopping...

... hours to spare for shopping 에서 had를 spent로 바꿀수있나염. I had three hours to spare for shopping. 나는 쇼핑을 위한 여유 3시간이 있다. I spent three hours...


저스틴 비버 10000hours 몇 BPM 일까요?

저스틴 비버 10000hours 몇 BPM 일까요? 90 BPM입니다!!


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