evening Qna 관련 답변 33 페이지


My cellphone was in my bag ~~~~ 이라는...

... this evening. 이나 My cellphone was in my bag on this evening. 이나 My cellphone was in my bag at this evening. 도 문법적으로 올바른 문장이라면.... My...

태그: 문제풀이

영어 글을 써야하는데 도저히 모르겠어서...

... the evening 에서의 빈도부사 I ate with a fork when I was a kid 에서의... we hardly drink coffee in the evening. 빈도부사: hardly hardly는 빈도부사로, "거의...


영어 해석 답하고 왜그런지 이유...

... That evening, when he returned to Long Island, he found (C)[that / what] not only... That evening, when he returned to Long Island, he found 그날 밤 그가 롱...


Evening 과 night 차이

Noon 과 after nonn 차이도 궁금합니다 허접한 답변이지만 evening 은 5시부터7시59분 night는 8시부터 12시 정도라고 생각합니다 noon은 정오를 뜻하고...


영어 중요 구문, 문법 좀 알려주세요..!

... the evening news. 영어 중요 구문, 문법 좀 알려주세요..! Inha’s story was on the evening news. -> Inha’s story(주어) was(동사) on the evening news.(부사구)...

태그: 영어

이 지문들 중에 괄호친거외 더...

... every evening when they (came) home from their... Piggott (called) every evening when he (came) home... 7 One evening when the boys (got) home from...


영어 수동태와 전치사 관련 질문

... this evening. -> A live concert will be performed by her this evening.(X) -> A live concert will be performed this evening by her.(O) 에서 this evening 이 왜 by...


루시는 저녁에 책을 자주 읽는다....

... Lucy reads books often in the evening Lucy often reads books in the evening. Lucy often reads book in the evening. 이라고 써요. Often 이외에도 frequently, repeatedly...


영어 문법 질문

... 'Since it had been a close game the whole evening, the best... (O) 'Since it had been a close game the whole evening, the best... Since it had been a close game the whole evening, 3. Since 가 왜...

태그: 영어, 영어문법

동사? 보어?

Are you busy this evening? Are you surfing the Internet? 두 문장 비슷한 형식 같은데... Are you busy this evening? Are you surfing the Internet? 두 문장 비슷한 형식...


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