calmly Qna 관련 답변 33 페이지


영어 to부정사 문제 풀이 및 해석...

... ⓐhow ⓑway ⓒoften ⓓcalmly 7.i must ____ decline your invitation due... ⓐhow ⓑway ⓒoften ⓓcalmly A 7.i must ____ decline your invitation due...


영어 에세이 해석 도와주세요~!

... Passengers calmly eat their dinners, and everything stays nicely in place, even... Passengers calmly eat their dinners, and everything stays nicely in place, even though...


영어 본문 해석 (내공 1000)

... So, we set up on a hill and had dinner while waiting calmly for the lights. Hours... So, we set up on a hill and had dinner while waiting calmly for the lights....

태그: 영어, 본문, 해석, 독해

영어 문제 질문이요~~~~!!!!!

... 답 calmly 여기 맨 앞의 should는 If 주어 + should 에서 If가 생략되고... 답 calmly 여기 맨 앞의 should는 If 주어 + should 에서 If가 생략되고 주어가...


독해좀 부탁드립니다 ㅠㅠ

People in that condition usually cannot stop and think calmly about the death... People in that condition usually cannot stop and think calmly about the death penalty....


형용사 부사

Try to keep calm/calmly and just tell me what happened. 여기서 침착하게 유지하기위해 노력하라는 뜻이니까 부사 calmly를 써야 하는거 아닌가요.?? 답이 calm이라는데 답이...


영어 문제 입니다. 4개만...

... Calmly explain to her how it embarrassrs you when she tells others your problems.... Calmly explain to her how it embarrassrs you when she tells others your problems....


이 작문에서 문법적 오류가 있을까요??

... as calmly as possible. 나는 긴장된 느낌으로 그 시험장에 들어갔다... as calmly as possible. 나는 긴장된 느낌으로 그 시험장에 들어갔다 하지만...


영어 독해 부탁드립니다 ^^;;

... Calmly explain to her how it embarrasses you when she tells others your problems.... Calmly explain to her how it embarrasses you when she tells others your problems....


이 문장 해석 좀 해주세요.

... quite calmly. "You'll soon see w hether all the other animals are afraid of me or... "If you don't believe me, come for a walk with me," answered the fox quite calmly....


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