blanket Qna 관련 답변 33 페이지

중3가정법 도와주세요

... = 2.If it had not been for the blanket, I would... the blanket, I would catch a cold last night. If it had not been for the blanket, I would have caught...


영어 문장 구조와 독해 부탁드립니다

Doublespeak is a blanket term for language which pretends... a blanket term for language which pretends to... Doublespeak is a blanket term for A, B. =doublespeak(애매한...


아주쉬운 영어문장 성분좀 알려주세요...

... She beat dust out of the blanket and spread it on the mattress. It is a garden tool... She beat dust out of the blanket and spread it on the mattress. 그녀는...


영어해석해주세요제발요 ㅠㅠ

... ④ It covers the ground like a great , white blanket. ⑤Like a blanket, it keeps... ④ It covers the ground like a great , white blanket. 그것은(눈은) 크고 흰...


이것좀 되도록 빨리 해석해주세요!!!!ㅠ...

... they measured how much people valued specific items, such as a blanket and a pen. In... They measured how much people valued specific items, such as a blanket and a pen....


간단한 대본번역..제발 도와주세요....

... 138 ALBERTO Can I borrow a blanket? 139 REBECCA Oh, of course. (She walks towards the blanket on the shelf.)... 141 Rebecca hands Alberto the blanket. 142 REBECCA By...


문법질문 above/over 급합니다!

... a blanket of gas, principally oxygen and nitrogen, extending a few miles (over) the earth’... a blanket of gas, principally oxygen and nitrogen, extending a few miles (over) the earth’...


영어에서 한글로 번역 부탁드려요....

... Our cozy wearable blanket not only makes sure that baby stays warm all night, but is the only wearable blanket... Our cozy wearable blanket not only makes sure that baby...


영어 해석

... This gas holds in the sun's heat like a blanket and the globe becomes warmer... This gas holds in the sun's heat like a blanket and the globe becomes warmer and...


영어 잘하는 분들 해석,읽기,단어점해주삼

... Cover the person with a blanket or a jacket and give him or her a warm drink. If you... Cover the person with a blanket or a jacket and give him or her a warm drink....


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