1hours Qna 관련 답변 33 페이지


... and it will be good and to try to receive a diagnosis, tus it wants. All children the computer it uses, in order not to pass over 1 hours, when to endeavor, will be good.


한글을 영어로 번역 부탁 내일까지 매우...

... Guidance broadcasting: The next 1 hours it will arrive to after London. Evacuation: 1 hours? Friend: The rice it eats quickly. It makes a landing preparation recently...


영어 일기 해석좀 부탁드려요!! (내공팍팍!!)

... When 10 it was sour me which am strong will only 1 hours it slept and it happened and. But until 10:00 sleep it slept in the sleep which pours and it threw away. Spirit...


빨리해주세요"~~ㅠㅠ 2일밖에 안남았츰..

... 1 hours with your friends on the tour bus's arrival was required. 1, got on the bus and ate a hamburger. The Vikings then went to eat Was really fun ^ ^ then you do not know the...


영문법 질의

I could hardly sleep more than three hours a night.에서 more than도 부사구 1개 three hours 도 부사구로 1개로 보아야 할까요? more than three hours를 묶어서...


죄송하지만 이것좀 해석해주실분 내공...

... To flattery core bell circumference is not a big village and all passengers with only the tourists jar flattery only core bell employee one see from Cairo 1 hours...


영어로 번역해주세요

... It goes to that place, first dining room day 1 hours It helped and the tile it gave the dementia old people to after that. It cleaned from the hallway dining room...


영작 3문장 확인, 틀렸다면 이유...

... 1번은 "I saw many students idle away outside during school hours" 가 되여야지 맞아요. 1)Although I live in New York, I grew up in California. 2)While I am living in...


영어 번역이용~

... As a result, parents give them little time for sleep Teens between the ages of 10 and 18 need between 8 1/2 and 9 1/2hours of sleep each night But they're getting an hour or two...


영어로좀 바꿔주세요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 급해여

... The campus that I went was 써리 campus, which was small and located at the place take 1 hours from 벤쿠버. There is so quiet and it’s good to students who want to study....


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