premature Qna 관련 답변 32 페이지

약 종류 써주세요

... for Premature Ejaculation 산동제Mydriatics 축동제Miotics 각막보호제 세포독성 항암제Cytotoxic Agents 호르몬성 항암제Hormonal Agents 항종양성...


파이썬 int(숫자) 자리수 제한으로...

... 애초에 데이터 양 자체가 적으므로 유의미한 양의 메모리를 절약하실 수 없고, 이러한 premature optimization은 오히려 코드의 품질을 떨어트리는 안 좋은...

태그: 파이썬코딩, 메모리관리

코리아헤럴드에 있는기사있데 해석좀...

... is premature to assume anything." "I was very happy to see the U.N. members... is premature to assume anything." 뉴욕에서의 10일간의 여정으로부터...


양수 터진거 의학용어로

양수 터진거를 워터 뭐시기라고 드라마에서 그랬다고 한거 같은데 그게 뭔지 모르겠어요.. (premature) rupture of membrane 조기양막 파열,양막 파수


영어 해석하는 것좀 도와주세요

While many, if not most premature babies leave the NICU to develop into completely... While many, if not most premature babies leave the NICU to develop into completely healthy...


영어 해석부탁드려요 내공 드릴게요

... only premature but stigmatizing, especially for adolescents. (11)The new study... only premature but stigmatizing, especially for adolescents. (11) The new study was...


영어 발음좀 부탁드릴게요ㅠㅠ

... because tanning also causes premature aging of the skin, she should explore "sunless... causes premature aging of the skin, she should explore "sunless tanning," which is...


해석 부탁 드려요.. 급해서요,,

... and premature death and care of the sick and disabled. 2. The epidemiologist... The role of medicine in health promotion is the prevention of illness and premature...


영문해석좀 도와주세요..시간이...

... ``It is premature to predict details on this point,’’ Cha said. Foreign... ``It is premature to predict details on this point,’’ Cha said. " 이 점위...


영어번역좀 해주세요

... he wanted to know if her mother had prlblems such as miscarriages or premature... he wanted to know if her mother had prlblems such as miscarriages or premature...


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