salty Qna 관련 답변 31 페이지

다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 ( ) 안의...

... 이 파스타는 맛이 짜다 (salty) This pasta ( ) ( ) 너의 개는 인형같아... 이 파스타는 맛이 짜다 (salty) This pasta ( tastes ) ( salty ) 너의 개는...


영어 독해 부탁드립니다.(내공100)

... This dish not salty enough, no flavor," she... " And he proceeded to pour a riverful of the salty black... This dish not salty enough, no flavor," she complained...


어법 질문이에요

풀어주세요 95.If I were you, I would see 96.If ocean water weren't salty, It would freeze. 97.If she hadn't helped me, I would have been in bad trouble....


영어 독해좀요

... name salty gotlost and flew over two thousand miles... lost salty was a strong bird he kept flying until he... away salty settled on a ship he had flown all the way to...


영어 해석 간단 질문

It is called "dead" because it is too salty a body of water to... It is called "dead" because it is too salty a body of water... too salty a body of water (O) a too salty body of water (X)...



... tastes salty 이문장들좀 해석해주세요 내일까지입니다 I named my... 훔치는것을 보았다. This onion soup tastes salty 이 양파스프는 짜다.



... 기본정보 운송장번호 항공·해상 M-B/L 보내는 분 받는 분 상품명 관부가세액 800586177381 18024793705 KO** KO** Kabaya Sakusaku Panda chocolate bisucuits Salty milk


영어 독해 질문

... Then some natural disaster happens that turns the fresh water salty. The vast... in salty water. The surviving algae then produce offsprings that are better...


조동사 ㅠ

... This soup is too salty. You send it back. 12. "I wonder why he's late." "Well, he... This soup is too salty. You should send it back. 이 스프는 너무 짭니다. 다시...


영어 문법 질문입니다

"순수한 물은 얼음처럼 얼지만 소금물은 전혀 얼지 않는다." 가 왜 The fresh water "will" freeze like ice but the salty water "won't" freeze at all 라고 적나요? will 과...

태그: 영어, 영어문법, 영어문장, 문제풀이

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