mum Qna 관련 답변 31 페이지

펜팔해석) 딱 4줄! 급해요!!!

My mum has a half brother somewhere. He was caught molesting a sheep. You can guess how... My mum has a half brother somewhere. He was caught molesting a sheep. You can guess...


영어해석좀 해주세요 가능한 빨리요...

... Boy C : I'd take you to my mum's house for a cup of tea.... my mum. Sandie : Hmm! Well, here's my last question.... Boy C : And I'd invite you for a cup of tea with my mum....



... my mum nan n sis n im always in the middle of things when have hav a go at each... my mum nan n sis n im always in the middle of things when have hav a go at each...


영어동화책 추천부탁합니다

엔서니 브라운의 my mum 을 읽을정도의 초보실력인데.. my mum과 비슷한 영어동화책을 추천해주세요 (엔서니 브라운의 아빠와 남동생은 읽었습니다) 그림책의 반장에 글자한줄...

태그: 영어동화, 영어동화책, 영어원서, 영어, 영어독학

해석부탁 빨랑

... Brian helped ffis mum. Brian didn't gelp his mum. He helped his dad. 1. on friday... Brian helped ffis mum. 브라이언은 그의 엄마를 도왔다. Brian didn't gelp...


펜팔친구에게 온 편지 좀 해석해주세요!

... I have 3 brothers, 1 sister, and a mum and dad. My hobbies are listening to music... 그리고 난 고등학교 (9학년).I have 3 brothers, 1 sister, and a mum and...



... my mum came (not really a great birthday present) haha, yes when i came to Naedok i... hahah my birthday was very recently, it was August 10th, the day my mum came (not...


펜팔 해석...

... I'm glad you only want e-mail because my mum won't let me give my address so snail... I'm glad you only want e-mail because my mum won't let me give my address so snail...


영어 해석좀해주세요 내공 많아요

... Is mum doing allright? Paul and I bought a house, so it's busy with arranging all... Is mum doing allright? 다행이 모두들 잘 지내고 있어. 너희들 모두...


영문해석이요 내공드려요~

... my mum and step dad.can u give me your add thanks bye the way i give u my old add my... my mum and step dad.can u give me your add thanks 너의 주소를 나에게...


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