hamper Qna 관련 답변 31 페이지


... thoes extra fat cells can result in a serious problem that can hamper a child's... thoes extra fat cells can result in a serious problem that can hamper a child's...


영어번역 고수님들! 정확한 번역...

... not hamper its spread. “A language becomes a world language for extrinsic... not hamper its spread. 작년에 발행된 에세이에서, 그는 라틴어의...

태그: 영어번역, 영어번역도와주세요, 영어해석

영문번역 부탁드립니다.

... Economic and political events create a setting which can hamper or further the... Economic and political events create a setting which can hamper or further the...


영어문장 해석 (완전 급해요!!)

... Technological advances do not hamper Filipinos from sending letters 이거... Technological advances do not hamper Filipinos from sending letters 통신기능이...


[내공100]아이티지진에 관한 영어기사...

... can hamper recovery. "In Haiti, if you have a serious injury or illness, if you... can hamper recovery. 왜냐하면 부상, 막힌 도로, 부족한 의료준비와...


영어 해석 부탁드립니다ㅠㅠ

... which hamper the viability of producers should be avoided. Target 2: Reduce by... which hamper the viability of producers should be avoided. 음식과 영양에...


korea herald 기사인데 길지만 번역좀...

... not hamper the country's hosting of the Olympics. The earthquake in China has... not hamper the country's hosting of the Olympics. 구조와 복구가 신속히...


(내공100 + 추가내공 75)영어독해...

... or hamper, subsequent performance. At present, behaviorally oriented researchers... or hamper, subsequent performance. 수십년동안, 발전적, 교육적...


영작 첨삭 부탁드립니다.

... Emotional abuse refers to mental violence or severe acts that may hamper... violence or verbal actions that may hamper regular emotional development.


번역부탁드려요! 내공드립니다! (__)

... even hamper firefighting efforts in California. "It's headed straight for us like... even hamper firefighting efforts in California. DENVER , Colorado ( AP )...


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