calm down Qna 관련 답변 31 페이지

왜 이게 이렇게 바뀌는거죠? 영어입니다

... 이게 only가 맨 앞으로 오려면 Only when the plane had landed safely did Oliver calm down. 이라고 되있네요. 왜 did가 쓰이나요? ♥ '도치법(주어와 동사의 위치가...


영어 작문 맞는지 좀 보고 고쳐주세요...

... Increasingly calm down, next time they get on the plane with a smiling face. I have not been get on the plane yet. So, I'm not accept very well. But I have a acrophobia....



... M :Alright,Katy.I want you to calm down first and tell me more about how you're feeling. (2) Welcome back,everyone.Before we start our first day,I'd like to say a few...


영어학원숙제 좀 풀어주세요;;

... B : Drink some water and calm down. W : OK. I'll do that 1. He feels sad. 2. He feels happy. 3. He feels tensed. 4. He feels surprised. 15-16 Glenn lives in a small...


영어문법 도와주세요ㅠ

... 4) Please calm down now ................ upset you may be. 문제3. 밑줄 친 부분이 수식하고 있는 어구를 찾아 밑줄을 그으시오. 1) The time will come...


이글을 좀 우리나라말로 적어주세요..

... With the intoxicated Tiger style Rock a Rolex-worth 24 thou Now calm down Just touched ground Stroll around espionage When I'm down I'll leave town Got more pounds...



... Crane: Oh, calm down. I stand up with one leg and sleep! Cow: Hey, look at this boy! He's sleeping and talking at the same time! All animals:Oh, right .Men are the lord...


영어 문제 질문

... 다음 괄호안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오 Calm down and think ( careful, carefully ). The ( large, largely ) backpack is mine. She studies (real, really)...


이 영어 문장 해석 좀 해주세요.

... just calm down and hopefully you will be able to put some more information into your head. me too, i just don't have time and i still have couple of more books to read......



... He is so excited that he can't calm down. → He is ______________________________________. 2. They are so rich that they can buy the house. → They are...


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