retention rate Qna 관련 답변 30 페이지


영문좀 풀이해주세요!!!!!!

... larval retention area resort fashion raffles pundit rotation unshelled... consumption rate spring butt Floods beetle slow lane Abadan air-drop subbranch...


영어 해석 부탁드려요.....도와주세요...ㅠ

... The most common performance measures include amount of response, latency of response, rate of response, errors,reminiscence, trials, and retention(or extinction) 번역기...


안녕하세요~ 저번 번역감사드리구요 다시...

... Adequate fire protection will require a much larger flow rate than most camp... Large storage areas for retention of water are an alternative to continuous flow;...


제발!! 해석좀 도와주세요..

... Futhermore, the model should quantify both the kinetics(rate-concentration... solids retention times (SRTs) and low specific growth rates incorporated into the design of...


영어 해석좀부탁드립니다..!!!!!!!

... This is growing at the rate of about i million videos a years, and if the stars are... the retention time (page views) and frequency of visits found at the major portals....


원서번역 좀 부탁드려요

... weight retention leading to a risk developing diabetes and hypertension need to be... tax rate on fast foods to provide financial support for nutrition programs. Implications...


종이 크로마토그래피에서 Rf값은 항상...

... 여기서 Rf값이란 Retention factor의 줄임말로서 rate of flow 라고 잘못 알고 계신분들이 많은것 같습니다. Rf값은 같은 용매에서는 일정한 값을 갖기 때문에 어떠한 물질의...



... 자세히 설명해주세요 1vitamin C의 retention time이 너무 빨라 UV검출을... Flow rate : 1 mL/min - HPLC column : C18 4.6x150mm(5um) - Detection : 254 nm - Eluent : phosphate...


영어로 번역부탁해요~~내공 팍팍~!!!

... Enjinio retention that experience various project, quick correspondence - 공장제작... accident rate smallest anger - 문제 발생시 신속대응, 설비 정전시간 단축...


(내공 100)페로센과 아세틸 페로센의 Rf값

... of retention of a component retardation factor. RF value does not have units... RF indicates the relative rate of movement of a solute and the solvent. RF value is...


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