meager Qna 관련 답변 30 페이지

meagre 가 한국어로 무슨말이죠?[내공20]

제바루ㅜㅜ meager | meagre [míg]【L 「야윈」의 뜻에서】 a. 1 메마른 2 a 빈약한, 결핍한, 야윈; 불충분한; 풍부하지 못한; 부적격한 ~ fare 조식(粗食) a ~ salary...


이것좀 영어로 써주세요

... 2. Humans live with 99% of failure and a meager 1% of happiness. 3. Don't ever think that the world has abandoned you, for the world never had you in the first place.


영문 추천서~ 정말정말 급합니다...

... meager 여윈, 빈약한 481. ultimate 최후의, 궁극적인 482. initial 처음의, 머리문자 483. solemn 엄숙한 484. notorious 소문난, 악명이 높은 485. sublime...


마르틴 루터(Martin luther)의 업적

... The meager data of his life at this period make it a work of difficulty to reconstruct his childhood. His schooling at Mansfeld, whither his parents had...


어려운단어 100개좀여 문장도여

어려운단어 100개좀여 문장도 해주세요 내공 팍팍드림 accuse 고발하다, 비난하다 drug 약, 제약, 마약 arrest 체포하다, 체포, 검거 charge 책임, 비난, 죄...


자세한 해석좀 부탁드리겟습니다.ㅠ

... what was wores was that while government expenditiures increased due to rise in prices,tax collection was meager mainly because of political and social...


영어 최상급 질문입니다.

... two classes are most favored ones with 25 percentage point of popularity respectively. The least popular classes are yoga and belly dance classes with a meager 7% popularity.


영자신문의 번역을 도와주세요 ~

... The given numbers, still, seem meager compared to local firms. The total amount of donations by securities in Korea over the same period was 31.9 billion...


번역 부탁해요~오늘저녁까지ㅠㅠ

... Soldiers who tried to supplement their meager pay by working for hire during off-duty hours were accused of competing wing local labor. Many seized an...


워드,엑셀,타자 잘하시는 분 도와주세요

... meager 여윈, 빈약한 481. ultimate 최후의, 궁극적인 482. initial 처음의, 머리문자 483. solemn 엄숙한 484. notorious 소문난, 악명이 높은 485. sublime...


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