rot away Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지


쓰레기가 썩을때 걸리는 시간 영어

쓰레기가 썩을때 걸리는 시간 을 영어로 알려주세요! The time that it takes for the garbage to rot away.


이 영어 기사좀 해석해주세요(내공100)!!...

... just rot away, so of course I would eat them." "I don't know if you can compare eating cherries to human flesh. Plus I don't think you can accidentally...


문장 자연스럽게 고쳐주세요ㅠㅠㅠ

... Plastic containers that are thrown away every time do not rot for a lifetime and cause problems for the environment. This item is made into a space where...


영어 글쓰기

... So even if you throw it away, it will rot away. The effect on the environment is that microplastics will not be created in the future. 관계부사와 to부정사의 의미상...

태그: 영어글쓰기

blink182 노래중stay together for the...

... The words rot and fall away 그 단어는 썩었고 떨어져 나갔지 A stupid poem could fix this home, 말도안돼는 시는 이 집을 고칠수 있었어.. I'd read it every...


영어 수행평가 첨삭 해주세여

... Plastics thrown away in the sea can be eaten by sea animals. Also, plastics don't rot easily, causing land pollution. Solution: The way to solve these problems are...

태그: 문제풀이

해석좀 부탁드릴게요

... They do not rot away. For millions of years, the bones lie under the ground. Rain falls. It seep down through the ground, dissolving minerals in the rocks. The...


이 단락 해석 10~20분안에 빨리...

... In other words, ite rocks and sort of goes away. Things like paper, leaves, and food scraps rot very quickly. Our landfills are getting cluttered with items such as...


팝송 노래좀 알려주세요

... So I let my heart get frozen To keep away the rot My father said I'm chosen My mother said I'm not I listened to their story Of the Gypsies and the Jews It was good, it...



... it away? Much of today's rubbish consists of metals and plastic which do not rot, so alternative methods of disposal have had to be found. At one time a huge pit would...


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