read Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지

i read many books about 문장 구조

I read many books about how going vegan is a good way to save the environment. 이... 질문 i read many books about 문장 구조 I read many books about how going vegan is...


Left on read에서 read의 정체

... Left on read는 읽씹하다라는 표현인데 여기서 read를 과거나 과거분사와 같이 발음을 하잖아요. 그러면 여기서 read는 어떤 품사를 가진 건가요? 만약 과거 분사라면...

태그: 영어

Having read the book

Having read the book, I threw it away. 여기서 Having read를 To have read 로 바꾸면 안되나요? 햇갈리네요 Having read the book, I threw it away. 여기서 Having read를 To have...


input 태그 text 타입 readonly

input 태그 클릭시 readonly 해제하고싶은데 어떻게 해야될가요? readonly를 걸면 읽기 전용으로 쓰기가 금지된건데... 태그 클릭하면 해제할꺼면 왜 거는거죠?...


can i read you the book? 와 may i...

... 라는 문장을 만들고 싶어서 ->can i read you the book? 만들었는데 파파고를 돌려보니 may i read the... 예를 들어 can i read you 와 may i read 차이.( can i read...


6번에서 l wanted to read가 왜...

to read가 want의 목적어가 되서 완전한거 아닌가요ㅜㅠ 안녕하세요. Read의 목적어도 필요해서 그렇습니다. The book was sold out과 I wanted to read the book 을...


having been read 분사구문

Having been read it in full, the charter was submitted to... 맨앞 having been read 로 써야하는 이유가... been read in full, the charter was submitted to a vote of...


It read that she had

It read that she had been invited to the league’s main tryouts in... 질문 It read that she had been invited to the league’s main... =>read가 과거형 입니다. 과거보다 먼저 일어난...

태그: 문제풀이

read의 수동태

... that read "Be a safe driver" in their windows. (2021 9월 고1 37번) 여기서 read가 쓰인 이유가... 라고 되어 있는데, read랑 reading 둘 다 되는건가요?...


the words read quote

the words read quote "can only have been painted by a madman " the words read quote가 맞는 문장인가요? 질문 the words read quote "can only have been painted by a madman...


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