overlooked Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지



The consumer is often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder. 문장에서 as 형용사 a... 문장에서 사용된 예시인 "The consumer is often overlooked, but just as important a...


영어 모의고사 문법 질문

첫번째 문장 앞부분 often overlooked을 앞에 being이 생략된 분사구문이라고 볼 수 있나요? the consumer is often overlooked(보어) 이 원문장에서 수동태의 pp에...

태그: 영어문법, 영어, 고등, 모의고사

고3 모의고사인데 이 문장 문법 설명 좀...

Often overlooked, but [just as important a stakeholder], is the consumer who plays a large role... 원래 문장) The consumer who ~~~~~ is often overlooked, but as important a stakeholder....

태그: 도치, 보어도치, 고3영어, 고3영어모의고사

She and her colleagu

She and her colleagues were tired of being overlooked at the traditional Fashion Week events... "were tired of being overlooked"는 과거시제의 수동태로, "무시되는 것에...

태그: 영어해석, 문법해석

도치 질문이요

often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder, is the... often overlooked, but just as important a stakeholder, is the... often overlooked가 됩니다. 아마, 주어 the consumer...

태그: 문제풀이


We would find oursleves literally stuck, (overlooked/overcome) by hesitation and unable to... We would find oursleves literally stuck, overlooked by hesitation and unable to move...


영어 문장 분석 좀 해주세요~

... Being the size that he was, Dex was often overlooked.... Being the size that he was, Dex was often overlooked.... often overlooked.(주격보어) =As he was the size that...


영어문법질문 제발여..도와주세여

... easily overlooked because we are accustomed to regarding ambition as a virtue... easily overlooked because we are accustomed to regarding ambition as a virtue...



One often overlooked point of interest, found just a few miles... often overlooked point of interest 이부분은 which is가... often overlooked point of interest, found just a few miles...


'It also seems that

'It also seems that most people overlooked~' 이 문장이 'most people also seem to have overlooked~'랑 같다는데 왜 두번째 문장에서는 have overlooked가...


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