looking at Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지

looking forbe looking atlooking

12번 is looking at 문장구조 분석과...

... One night, Rose sees that her father is looking at an old photo album. 1. 전체해석 2. 문장구조 분석 One night, - 부사구 Rose -주어 sees -지각동사 that her father -명사절...


looking at my face, looking at me in...

She was looking at my face. She was looking at me in the face. 해석은 똑같은데 두 표현에 어떤 차이점이 있나요? looking at me in the face는 마치 상대방의 말도 안되는...


Looking at a person’s ears is

Looking at과 is가 동사고 a person’s ears이 주어인가요? 여기서 주어는 Looking 입니다. 이 Looking 은 동명사이구요.. 뒤에 나오는 at a person's ears 는...


the artist is looking at에서 which

Try to see which direction the artist is looking at라는 문장에서 which는 목적격 관계대명사인가요? 아니면 어떤 방향이라고 의문사인가요 ! ㅜ Try to see [which...

태그: 영어문법

looking at places of interest...

looking at places of interest = sightseeing 서로 같은 뜻인것 같은데.. 1.looking at places of interest 흥미로운 장소를 보다 2. sightseeing 관광 1, 2 같은...


by looking at them

'그들을 봄으로써' 영작할 때 by looking at them인가요 by looking them인가요?? by looking at them 입니다

태그: 영어문법, 전치사

Why do you keep looking at me Why...

Why do you keep looking at me 왜 나 계속 쳐다봐? Why are you looking at me 왜 나 쳐다봐? 왜 Keep이 빠지면 do를 못쓰고 Are을 써야하나요? 문법적인 설명말고 뉘앙스로...

태그: 회화영어, 뉘앙스, do, are

looking for 와 looking at 뜻이 뭐죠?

... looking for이 ~을 찾다 looking at이 ~을 보다 ...이거 맞나요???????????????????????? 막상 영작할때 써먹으려니깐 헷갈리네요.. 실제로 영작에서...


Looking at an object

Looking at an object gives you some information about it, and the most obvious is color. - Looking at an object gives you some information about it, (. .) 괄호에...


No brainer just by looking at you

No brainer just by looking at you 이런 문장을 봤는데요. I need No brainer judging from just by looking at you. 이렇게 바꿔 쓸 수 있을까요? from 뒤에 just by 가 올...


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