it has Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지

It has been(현재 완료) 다

It has been(현재 완료) 다음에 since 사용 가능한 가요? 당연히 가능합니다 it has been sunny since yesterday


It has no plume.Fetc

It has no plume.Fetch me one immediately. 해석해주세요 질문 It has no plume.Fetch me one immediately. 나는 깃털이 없다, 즉시 하나를 가져다 줘라


It has been raining

It has been raining all day. 이 문장이 문제집에서 맞았다는데 이유설명 부탁드려요! 현재 완료 진행은 무조건 since또는 for 이 와야하지 않나요?? all day 같은...

태그: 빨리, 중3, 영어

Today it has a lot of discharg

... Today it has a lot of discharge and the color is very yellow, similar to an infection. 해석부탁드립니다 Because the doctor used the wrong tool. :왜냐하면...


It has come to expec

It has come to expect the steady increase in the standard of living that new developments in science and technology have brought to continue, but it also distrusts...


but (it has been) very rewarding.

It has taken many years, but it has been very rewarding. 1. 이 문장에서 처음에 it (현재완료 has taken) 라고 나와쏙 두번째에는 it (has been taken) 이라고...

태그: 영어문법

In china it has neve

In china it has never been rare for emperors to paint 중국에서는 황제가 그림을 그리는 것이 드문 일이 아니었다. 여기서 has been rare은 현재완료 수동태...


it has never recovered 에 been

4번 선지가 이거 그대로도 맞는 표현이라는데 it has never been recovered 는 안되는 건가요? 왜 been이 안들어갔는데 맞는 표현인지 모르겠어요 수동태아닌가요? 4번...


If it has, you can now explain the...

... If it has, you can now explain the details of what happened. If it hasn’t, you’ll need to use one of the more advanced skills. In any case, first make it safe; then...


It has rained a lot for this year

It has rained a lot for this year 맞는 문장인가요? 틀ㄹ리면 왜 틀렸는 지 알려 주세요 It has rained a lot this year.이 맞는 표현입니다. 전치사 for를 굳이 사용...


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