hassles Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지

While Harman's u

While Harman's used to ____ imported furniture, it is now sticking to local products to avoid the hassles of customs. 답은 빈칸에 들어오는 답은 sell이라는데요. 답지 설명대로라면...


펜팔 친구에게 온거 영어해석...

... Then she'd tell the church and I would have hassles until I graduated High School... have hassles until I graduated High School at 18. 그러면 엄마는 교회에...


아이 숙제인데 ..영작 좀 부탁드립니다.

... ♡ There will be various hassles as a result of diverse terminologies and values when unification is achieved. However, if you understand and care for the other person, it...


영어 문장 해석부탁드려요 (내공정말!...

... 14)people in the real world ate a lot more willing to put up with a lot of hassles... 14) people in the real world a lot more willing to put up with a lot of hassles in...


영어번역 부탁드립니다

... and hassles. Who needs it?" Rationlization, another coping mechanism, is a... "Promotion brings more headaches and hassles. Who needs it?" "승진은 더...


빈칸 채워주세용

빈칸 채워주세용 1. exchange 2. efficient 3. tube 4. Fortunately 5. reasonable 6. enormous 7. hassles 8. indeed 9. waste 10. repast


짧은 영어 문장 해석좀

Being allowed to get on with it without record company hassles. 무슨 뜻이죠??? Being allowed to get on with it without record company hassles. 레코드 회사와 다투지...


영어 번역이에요~급합니다~

logistical hassles aren't uncommon for couple who buck... logistical hassles aren't uncommon for couple who buck... *logistical hassles : 일이 원활하게 진행되지...


최대한빠르게 번역좀 해주세요(번역기...

... mistrust, hassles, criticism, too many demands, and domination, are more strongly... mistrust, hassles, criticism, too many demands, and domination, are more...


영어해석 부탁드림 내공드림

... Using the cell phone while driving can save time and hassles, but using it while... and hassles, but using it while driving can also cause a lot of problems such as...


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