enshrine Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지



what is the reason to enshrine Irwonsang as the symbol of Dharmakaya? 법신의 상징으로 Irwonsang을 소중히 여기는(모시는) 이유가 무엇입니까?


영어단어 1000개...

... ensemble enshrine ensign ensue ensuing ensure entail entangle entangled entanglement enter enterprise enterprising entertain entertainer entertaining...


쉬운 영작 ^^

... (Years bring wisdom.이란 속담을 써도 되지만 이별한걸봐서는 위의 것이 더나을듯) Everyday I miss you, Everyday I'm anxious about you, Everyday I enshrine your memory in my...


영어로 써주세요

... to enshrine Palmandaejanggyeong. It is a single-story wooden building that was... It was constructed in order to enshrine Palmandaejanggyeong from the beginning and it is...


단어 하나만 영어로 바꿔 주세요

... 전당(殿堂), 성지, 성소 a shrine of art 예술의 전당 3 (성인의 유골·유물을 넣은) 성골[성물]함(reliquary) ━ vt. 《문어》 …을 사당에 모시다(enshrine)


경주에 있는 유적지 안내문 영어로...

... The little Buddha 90cm long and found in a vessel-type enshrine, sat reserved, showing his genuine warmth in his bemused smile on the round cheeks. On the surface, the...


영어 접두사 궁금한것

... 감실 enshrine - 모시다, 안치하다, 마음속에 간직하다. enlighten - 계몽하다, 분명케 하다. ex) The child thought the world was flat until I enlightened him....


질 높은 어려운 단어좀 알려주세요.

... 76. Honest: ever suck any new clothes. 77 gamda enshrine 78Wilt wither: 78. 79: memorize away. Other be. 80.: Jaemcheo revisit. Useless answer, but ask many recommendations.


영어일기 번역좀

... Cousin brother was simply an accident but a lot of When it comes to my accident only enshrine and dangerous prank beats also. Dangerous pranks and brother scary but comes only to...


부탁드려요~ 영어 고수님!!

... - Has impressed readers, what this story 11. Realize the dream of 10-year-old girl - the Nobel Prize's 12. Get it on paper universe - enshrine writes. 채택점여


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