decisions Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지


snacks ,which makes good decisions.ea

That same shelf is now filled with healthy snacks ,which makes good decisions easy. 에서 easy가 왜... makes(동사) good decisions(목적어) easy(목적격보어) 의 형태입니다. 좋은...


~ that good decisions can still lead...

~ that good decisions can still lead to bad outcomes 여기that절 문장성분표시좀해주세요 that / good decisions / can still lead / to bad outcomes that / S / V...

태그: 2020대학생튜터

role in textbook decisions? [내공100]

Should the govement plat a leading role in textbook decisions? 번역해주세요. 이... For this reason and difference, I object to the leading role of government over the textbook decisions.


in making decisions for themselves

... 아시는분 답변부탁드려요 "in making decisions"에서... 하지만 "making decisions"만으로도 문장 전체의... 따라서, "we can do to assist patients in making decisions"와...


place where crucial decisions are made.

1) The building is the place where crucial decisions are made.... 1) The building is the place where crucial decisions are made.... crucial decisions are made. 그 건물은 그 장소의...


not make sound decisions as well as d

Selfish adults or kids not make sound decisions as well as do grateful people 여기서 as... Selfish adults or kids not make sound decisions as well as do grateful people. do는......

태그: 영어문법

In economic matters decisions must be...

In economic matters decisions must be made quickly. In view of these circumstances we... In economic matters decisions must be made quickly. 경제적 관점에서...


“Policy decisions at the very senior...

... “Policy decisions at the very senior level need the sensitivity that IT experts... “Policy decisions at the very senior level need the sensitivity that IT experts...


You need courage to make decisions that...

that절은 주격관계대명사로 to make decisions를 꾸며주고 있는데 이 to make decisions는 courage를 꾸며주는 형용사적 용법인가요 아니면 ~하기 위해의 부사적 용법인가요?...

태그: 영어질문, to부정사

you need courage to make decisions...

... you need courage to make decisions that will change your life 내공100 비공개채택률100... / 부사적용법 입니다 make decisions은 사람이 결정하다할때 쓰는 표현 입니다 그래서...


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