constitutive Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지


논문 table 설명글 해석좀 해주세요.

Table 1 Comparison between inducible and constitutive expression of recombinant HBsAg in P.... Comparison between inducible and constitutive expression of recombinant HBsAg in P. pastoris...



... For this reason its constitutional norms represent crucial constitutive factors... For this reason its constitutional norms represent crucial constitutive factors...


번역좀 부탁합니다 ~

... Boredom is a constitutive element of life. It will lead you to deep reflection on... Boredom is a constitutive element of life. It will lead you to deep reflection on...


영어 해석 부탁드려요 제발 급해요...

... Scholars call this a constitutive view of communication because communication... Scholars call this a constitutive view of communication because communication...


내공100 번역부탁드립니다.ㅜㅜ 급해요..

... Examples of such "constitutive" enzymes are the enzymes converting glucose to... Examples of such "constitutive" enzymes are the enzymes converting glucose to...


영어 독해좀 도와 주세욤..ㅠ.ㅠ...

... high constitutive levels were enough to resist the stress, whereas the more... high constitutive levels were enough to resist the stress, whereas the more...


번역 부탁드립니다. (분자생물학분야)...

... Here, we report— to our knowledge for the first time— biallelic inactivation of KEAP1 in NSCLC, which we believe would result in constitutive activation of NRF2....


buthionine sulfoximine 어떻게...

... 2.번역 Here, we report— to our knowledge for the first time— biallelic inactivation of KEAP1 in NSCLC, which we believe would result in constitutive activation of...


번역부탁드려요. (분자생물학관련)...

... Intriguingly KEAP1-deficient mice, which show constitutive activation of Nrf2 in the whole body, develop postnatal hyperkeratosis without accompanying by increased...



Nursing is a profession with a long profession that is constitutive of today's practice. Nursing is a profession with a long profession that is constitutive of today's...


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