ashamed of Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지


she is ashamed of being criticized...

she is ashamed of being criticized for fail여기에 왜 of가 들어가죠?? 아시는분만 답변 부탁^^ 어설픈분 자제좀^^;;; be ashamed of +명사 (동명사) 는 "~~에 대해 부끄럽게...


I am ashamed of ———

I am ashamed of ——— in the past a. being poor b. having poor c. having been poor d. poor A 12-year-old swimmer shocked the world when he won the gold medal, ——— at a new world record. a....


I’m not ashamed of you being poor....

I’m not ashamed of you being poor. 여기서 왜 poor 앞에 being이 들어가는 지 알려주세요 가나하다(be poor) 를 동명사(being poor)로 <가난한 것>으로 만들어 of...

태그: 도와줭, 제발, 영어문법, 영문법

He is ashamed of hav

He is ashamed of having been scolded by the teacher. 에서 ashamed가 형용사인 걸로 알고 있습니다. 그런데 이 문장에서 수동태로 쓰인 것 같습니다. is ashamed...

태그: 문제풀이

I was ashamed of everyone because I...

I was ashamed of everyone because I used to be late for work recently due to accumulation of fatigue. 요즘 피로 누적으로 자주 지각해서 모두에게 부끄러웠다. --- 영어...


He is ashamed of my

He is ashamed of my having stolen money the other day. having이 나온 이유가 뭔가요...? Have p.p 아닌가요??? have pp 의 동명사 입니다. of 다음에 오기 때문에...

태그: 영어문법, 영어

She is ashamed that she is ignorant를

She is ashamed that she is ignorant를 She is ashamed of being ingorant로 I was aware that she trembled를 I was aware of her trembling으로 동명사 단문으로 만드는 건데요 왜...


영문 "I'm ashamed of myself"의 뜻이...

... I'm ashamed of myself *^^* " 라고 메세지를 보냈는데 잠시후에 " oh no! why? I'm sorry if i said something wrong. "이라 놀래서 보냈는데요ㅡ,, 부끄럽다는 표현이...


She was ashamed of t

She was ashamed of that she was blamed by her teacher. 이 문장에서 of that을 쓸 수 없다고 하는데요. 왜 그런지 설명좀 해주세요. 전치사 다음에 that 절이 올수...


I feel ashamed of what he did. of 뒤에...

I feel ashamed of what he did.에서 전치사 of 뒤에 절이 올 수 있나요?? 답은 올 수 있다 입니다. what 절은 여기서 명사절로 쓰여서 절이지만 명사역할을 해 주는 것...


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