adverse Qna 관련 답변 3 페이지

영어 어법 정리좀요 ㅠㅠ빨리부탁드려요

... cause adverse reactions. Chemistry knowledge enables consumers to make... cause adverse reactions. Chemistry knowledge enables consumers to make informed...


information? 불가산 명사만 되나요 ?

The summary contains not only a technical —— but also solutions to adverse effects... / The summary contains not only a technical —— but also solutions to adverse...

태그: 토익

단어 질문입니다

세번째 문단에 여섯번째 줄에 adverse weather could delay some tasks에서 could가... 세번째 문단에 여섯번째 줄에 adverse weather could delay some tasks에서 could가...


영어 문장 문법 구조좀 분석해주세요

Not all adverse events are disasters, only those that overwhelm... all adverse events are disasters, only those that overwhelm... all adverse events(주어) are(동사) disasters(보어)...



... an adverse impact on the other 에서 'to coexist harmoniously without having an adverse impact on the other... an adverse impact on the other> 에서 'to coexist harmoniously...


영어토익 문법 질문이요

... 2)more adverse 3) most adverse 4) adversely 답이 1번인데 왜 1번인가요 그리고... 2)more adverse 3) most adverse 4) adversely 답이 1번인데 왜 1번인가요 그리고 왜...


영어 문법 좀 봐주세요.

... an adverse impact on the other. 이 문장을... an adverse impact on the other>(형). 이 문장을... an adverse impact on the other>(형). ways 뒤에 for human...


영어 수행평가 문법 확인(급해요ㅜㅜ)

... I think Ai has an adverse effect on society. The reason I think so is that if the development... However, science and technology can have an adverse effect on science and technology because we...

태그: 문법확인, 영어수행

영어 번역 요청드립니다.

... Material Adverse Effect (defined below) in the Business from the Effective Date. A “Material Adverse... materially adverse to (i) the assets of the Transferred...

태그: 영어번역

이 글은 어법적으로 맞나요? 수행평가가...

... This has an adverse effect on our health and nature. air pollution has many... This has an adverse effect on our health and nature. air pollution has many...


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