long run Qna 관련 답변 29 페이지

영작한거 수정 좀 해주세요~

... However, in the long run, passion is what I believe that leads you to enjoyment and fulfillment. My dream is might seem a little bit unique and...


문법 문제좀 해결해주세요~!!1

... d) In the long run, it was he who succeeded in the house. 4. a) he is hard to finish the work b) she is difficult to speak c) he is impossible to work d) he is...


팬팔 온 영어 해석해주세요

... I know that study does sometimes seem boring but take my word for it the work you put in now will make life better for you in the long run. Playing is fun but study...


토익 답 좀 알려주세요 ~!! 도와주세요~

... we must remain ___ of rapidly changing technology or face a decrease in company profits in the long run a) current b) dated c) aware d) timely 4. ____ an...


영어 해석 부탁드립니다 급해서여

... As a result many analysts have upgraded their assumptions on what constitutes a long-run sustainable equilibrium price for these industries. There has also been a...


♥고수님들 번역좀도와주셈

... In the long run no conscious will can ever replace the life instinct. The psyche of the child in its preconscious state is anything but a tabula rasa : it is already...



... A person afflicted with loneliness will realize,in the long run,that only he can find his own cure. No lasting results can be achieved unless the individual convinces...


영어 형식 구분 부탁드립니다

... the long run, however, this method will not prove successful 부탁드리려요 ㅠㅠㅠ personal broadcasting / is / in vogue nowdays thanks to"audioblogs...


영어 구문해석부탁드려요.

... You may imagine that your own special trade or your own industry would be encouraged by taxes on foreign goods, but theses taxes would in the long run keep away...


영어해석 급하네여....바로 부탁드릴께여

... the strength to acknowledge that you are not really in charge, that principles are in charge in the long run. And the next quality the leader needs to have is the...


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