salty Qna 관련 답변 28 페이지

간단한 영어 문장 만들기 도와주세요

salty 짠 bland 싱거운 sweet 달콤한 sugary 단 hot 매운 spicy 매운 bitter 쓴... 그냥 짧게 만들면 되요 ~ salty 짠--Salt is salty. bland 싱거운--My...


영어 한 문장 해석 부탁드립니다

... is salty. (아이들에게 콘스탄티노플의 스펠링부터 왜 바닷물이 짠지에... is salty. 왜 바다가 짠지까지(to) 콘스탄티노플의 철자를 익히는 것부터 왜...



... It is called a sea because it is salty like the sea or... When they get out of the water, they have a salty crust... It is called a sea because it is salty like the sea or...


이거 해석 부탁드려요. 내공 있어요.

... But the ice cream has a salty and nutty flavor.... “We have invented a well-balanced salty, yet sweet, ice... But the ice cream has a salty and nutty flavor. 그것은...


영어문법 이유좀 갈쳐주세요......

... while, salty crust, the shallow pans ②fill with... white, salty mud. 23. Automobiles, escalators, and... white, salty crust, / the shallow pans ②fill with...


영어 문법 질문

... The soup was too salty. b. I had it for lunch. Exercise... The soup was too salty. b. I had it for lunch. ⟶ The soup which I had for lunch was too salty....


영어 해석

... This dish not salty enough, no flavor," hse complained... " And he proceeded to pour a riverful of the salty... This dish not salty enough, no flavor," hse complained...


영어 독해좀여

... sweet,sour,bitter,and salty. when you eat something, the scent of the food goes... sweet,sour,bitter,and salty. 그것은 코가 맛을 보는데 도움을 주기...


진행형시제좀 봐주세요.

... The food is tasting too salty. My brother is possessing a lot of novels. Are you having... The food is tasting too salty. - 마찬가지로, The food tastes too salty.. - 하지만, She...


중3천재교육 영어11과219~220쪽...

... little salty. When they drank the salty water, they became even sicker. They had to... little salty. When they drank the 그들은 마셨다. 관/대 약간의...


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