deficits Qna 관련 답변 28 페이지


I&O 체크시 positive일 경우와...

... Fluid deficits은 HHS에서 흔한데, 혈당이 600mg/dL일때 HHS가 나타나며 평균 9L정도 체액손실이 된다고 합니다. 그래서 fluid resuscitation이 필요합니다....

태그: 요양병원, 간호, 중환자실, positive, 폐수종, 고혈압, 핍뇨, 다뇨

적도기니가 살기 좋은나라입니까??

... Government spending has amounted to 39.3 percent of total output (GDP) over the past three years, and budget deficits have averaged 5.7 percent of GDP....


눈이 내공70

... and McKone, E.,는 Adults with Dyslexia Show Deficits on Spatial Frequency Doubling and Visual Attention Tasks”, DYSLEXIA.에서 난독증적 인지장애는 시각 문제에 국한되지 않고...

태그: 시기능저하, 난독증, 안구훈련, 시기능재활, 시기능재활훈련

영어 번역좀~~(급해욤 제발..)

... Our study indicates that hearing deficits in adult animals result in a conversion oft their brain's sound processing centers to respond to another sensory modality, making the...


영어 번역이여~~내공 30드림

... The current account will also turn to deficits with the economy expanding below its... twin deficits with Americans living beyond their means. But it is Asian countries like...


영어고수님들(특히 보건계열) 해석좀...

... The EFPT assesses executive function deficits in the performance of real-world tasks. It uses a structured cueing and scoring system to assess higher-level cognitive...


정말 정말 급합니다. 부탁 드립니다. 제가...

... Maternal alcohol consumption during any time of pregnancy can cause alcohol related birth defects or alcohol related neurological deficits. 알코올 중독 부모를 둔...



... Fluid deficits은 HHS에서 흔한데, 혈당이 600mg/dL일때 HHS가 나타나며 평균 9L정도 체액손실이 된다고 합니다. 그래서 fluid resuscitation이 필요합니다....


ㅠㅜ 빨리요 해석부탁드려요 ㅠㅜㅜ

Even the most conservative British politicians were critical of huge U.S, budget deficits, which contributed to the high interest rates in the United states. We have now reached...



... Fetal alcohol syndrome ranging from the physical(heart, hearing and vision problems, neurological impairments, deformation of the brain) to learning deficits affecting abstract...


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