systolic Qna 관련 답변 27 페이지

diastolic수축기 혈압

혈압 감소약물(고혈압치료)...

... Its inotropic and chronotropic effects elevate systolic blood pressure, while its vasodilatory effects tend to lower diastolic blood pressure. The overall effect is to...


내과 폐렴 검사결과 해독 부탁드립니다

... -> R/O left pleural effusion (2) EKG : LV : Normal cavity demension and wall thickness No RWMA Normal LV systolic function NV diastolic dysfunction clmpaired relaxation and...

태그: CT검사해석

해석 5 내공 100

... During the eight-week study period when hypertensive sujects consumed the DASH diet, their systolic blood pressure fell by 11.4 mm Hg more than the blood pressures of...


심장검사결과좀 해석해주세요!!

... End systolic volume : 50 ml 25 ml/m2 Stroke volume (SV) : 72 ml 37 ml/m2 Heart rate... Normal LV cavity size and systolic function; Calculated EF : 55% 2. No regional wall...


내공부족..영어 해석좀 부탁드려요 ㅜㅜ

... The two index tables convert the first set of data obtained on the patient, which consists of Systolic Blood Pressure, Respiratory Rate and Glasgow Coma Scale using the RST equation. A...


의학용어 [병명/도구/의약/의사의 호칭]...

... 장기 systolic pressure(시스톨릭 프레셔): 수축기 혈압 PTCA (Percutaneous... 당뇨병 Systolic BP(Systolic BP): 수축기 혈압 Vital signs(바이탈): 활력징후 Sepsis(셉시스)...


영어 번역좀 도와주세요.(번역기는...

... During auscultation, ventricular gallops and soft systolic murmurs are commonly heard. Midsystolic murmurs have been noted in 30 - 85% of dynamic athletes....


번역좀도와주세요 내공드려요...

... For example, a blood pressure ol 120/80 tneans your systolic presstire iS 120 and your diastolic pressure is 80. Your heahh care provider may suggest that you take >'our biood...


의학용어 해석 좀 부탁드립니다

... LV systolic dysfunction (EF=12%) abnormal relaxation of LV filling pattern (E/E'=14) eccentric LVH 안녕하세요. 하이닥-네이버 지식iN 상담의 이봉기 입니다. 심장초음파검사(ECHO) 결과를...

태그: 신경과, 신경과전문의, 순환기내과, 순환기, 심장질환, 의학용어, 뇌졸중, 뇌경색, 심장전문의

심장초음파결과 결과 판독부탁드립니다.....

... Final commnets Normal sized cardiac chambers dimension with normal LV systolic function... 2D Comments 2D echo revealed normal sized cardiac chambers with normal global LV systolic...


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