premature Qna 관련 답변 27 페이지

Ekg 리듬

... PAC (Premature Atrial Contraction, 조기 심방 수축): PAC는 심방에서 조기에 발생하는 수축으로, 일반적인 심박 사이에 갑작스럽게 나타나는 수축입니다. 이는 일반적으로...


영어해석과 읽는소리(급함 내공드림)

... For example, a tiny premature baby named Krissy weighed just 680 g at birth. SHE was on... 이ㅍ훽트 옵 모짤츠 뮤직 For example, a tiny premature baby named Krissy ㅍ홀...


영어 해석좀해주세요급해용(번역기 금지)

Over the years, there have been many strange stories of the premature burials of... the premature burials of living people. 수년동안 많은 이상한 이야기들...


영어해서 부탁드립니다 긴금~~ ㅠㅠ...

... to premature thinning called androgenic alopecia. often referred to as male... to premature thinning called androgenic alopecia. 하지만 좀더 일반적으로...


영어 해석 도와주세요

... was premature.” Farrell noted that Nixon was so worried about his legal trouble that it affected his health. He added, “His very worried family reached out to the White...

태그: 영어해, 영어번역

태아보험 산모특약 청구가능한지봐주세...

... [네이버 지식백과] 조기양막파열 [premature rupture of membranes, 早期羊膜破裂] (두산백과 두피디아, 두산백과)] *네이버 캡쳐입니다~ 응급제왕절개가 양막파열로 인한것이라는...


영어 해석좀 부탁드립니다~!!

... ~ but it is more or less premature to paint a rosy outlook on the talks ahead.... but it is more or less premature to paint a rosy outlook on the talks ahead. What...


영작했는데 틀린부분좀 고쳐주세요

... causes premature death and disease in children and in adults who do not smoke.... causes premature death and disease in children and in adults who do not smoke....


영어 작문 문법 코렉좀...

... It has long been warned that insomnia can lead to premature death. Then... It has long been warned that insomnia can lead to premature death. Then, why...


이 단어 읽는 법 좀.. 8개..^^

anticipate 예기하다 antique 고대의 advantage 유리한 ancestor 조상 premature... 앤세스터 premature 시기상조 프리머츄어 precaution 조심 프레코우션 predict 예언...


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