occupied Qna 관련 답변 27 페이지

구문 해석 부탁드립니다.

... South Koreans have never quite come to terms with the 35 years when the Japanese occupied... South Koreans have never quite come to terms with the 35 years when the Japanese occupied...


[내공30] 제발 이거 해석좀 해주세요!!ㅜㅜ

... the volume occupied by each unit of mass. b. the amount of mass for each unit of... the volume occupied by each unit of mass. 단위 질량이 차지하는 부피 b....


영어 해석 부탁드려요

아래의 영어 뜻 부탁드립니다 At present it occupied TOP places on market of... Continue to BUY this ama zing sha res on MONDAY At present it occupied TOP places...


단어 (Voca)

... be occupied 9. next to 내공냠냠, 저주글 등등 필요없는 말들은 다... be occupied : ~에 바쁘다, 9. next to : ~ 곁에 좋은 자료 되시길 바래요~~


영어고수님들 영어 해석 부탁드립니다

... 또다른문장은 The life of a foreigner in Egypt and elsewhere occupied a range... The life of a foreigner in Egypt and elsewhere occupied a range of possibilities....


진짜 간단한 독해예요 대답해주세요 ㅜㅜ...

... you occupied a thought we don't fight....................... 이렇게 작문했는데 맞는지... before one is aware, you occupied a thought -삭제하는게 좋겠습니다. 화해문이면...


영어문제 해설이랑 답좀 알려주세요

... occupied 3. remote 4. unattended 2번 It was a long journey and I was grateful... occupied 3. remote 4. unattended => 4. 사람이 많으니 짐을 방치하지...

태그: 영어, 문법, 영문법, 해설, 영어해설, 영어번역, 영어공부, 영어독해

문장 분석좀 해주세요

the fortress occupied three hours before by the enemy was now... the fortress주어 occupied가 the fortress꾸며주는... The fortress [occupied (three hours before) by the enemy]...


영어 문장 해석 부탁드립니다

The dominant people there-the Mycenaeans-occupied mainland Greece, Crete, and other... Mycenaeans-occupied mainland Greece, Crete, and other islands, 그곳을...


이거 영어 영작 맞나 좀 봐주실래요?

... and occupied 3rd exhausting force of jamming, although body state was bad.... and occupied the 3rd exhausting force of jamming 무슨말?, although her...


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