violently Qna 관련 답변 26 페이지



... ramp 가 경사로 뜻도 있고 동사로 쓰이면 폭력적으로 행동하다 뜻도 있습니다/ behave violently rampage 광란/광란하듯 지나가다/move to wildly and violently...


영어해석해 주세요-_ㅠ

... It violently ejects into our universe huge quantities of matter and light that... It violently ejects into our universe huge quantities of matter and light that have...


영어 해석 좀 빨리 부탁해요 급해요~!!!!!!!!!

... These plates violently hit each other at least twice in history, creating the Rcky Mountains. The first collision occurred about 175 million years ago. It caused a shock...


빨리 부탁드립니다

... 아무리 찾아봐도 안나와서 이렇게 글을 올립니다. 혹시 ‘폭력적인’ 말고 ‘폭력적이게’라는 말을 영어로 해석해 주실 수 있나요??? * violently / 폭력적으로, 난폭하게

태그: 최대한빨리요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ, 뭐지

[forcecfully]의 뜻이 뭔가요?!!

... Native Americans being forecefully and violently moved from thier homeland? 저... Native Americans being forecefully and violently moved from their homeland? 미국 원주민들이...



... 문장 3개좀 만들어주십쇼 1. The poor boy liked her very much. 2. An ugly dog barked violently at him. 3. The young lady takes care of her baby carefully.


영어번역 부탁드립니다!!!급해요'!!!!!...

... and violently, to attract a particular spirit. When the spirits arrives, he or she... and violently, to attract a particular spirit. -> 고수(북치는사람을...


다음 문장 영어 작문 부탁 드립니다....

... A kid named "Neil" meets Professor Ki-Ring and has the guts to seize a chance, but his father violently and arbitrarily pull him out of school and opposes him.



violently 이단어중에서 T 는 묵음인가요? 너무급해여ㅜ최대한빨리졈여ㅜ 묵음이라기보다는 미국식 발음을 할때 t 가 르나 으 처럼 들려서 그런것 같은데요 certain ,을...


영어해석 부탁 드립니다.

... "Come out of him!" 26 The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with... "그에게서 나오라!" 26 The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of...


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