to the extent Qna 관련 답변 26 페이지

to the extent thatextent

영어 해석!!! 급함!! 내공 만음!

If and to the extent necessary, please forward equivalent notices to your customers. Changes of this product data sheet are reserved. 빨리 부탁요!! 내공 50 겁니다! If and to the extent...


영어 해석

The place is famous for its beautiful night sea to the extent there is a song. 그곳은 노래가 있을 정도로 아름다운 밤바다가 유명합니다. 위에 제가 해석한건데...

태그: 영어해석

영어 해석 부탁 드립니다 (내공 다걸어요)

... The four "tigers"( Northeast Asian economies) have gained on the most developed countries to the extent that some of them reached the international frontier in...


영어 해석 부탁드립니다(계약조건에 관한6

... enforced to the extent permitted by law. 12. GENERAL 통칙 12.1 The failure of either party to enforce any terms of or right arising pursuant to these Terms does not...


틀린거 2개찾아주세요ㅠ

... "he is as absorbed in the present that": "as absorbed"라는 표현은 "that" 이후에 "so absorbed"나 "absorbed to the extent that"와 같이 더 자세한 설명을 필요로...

태그: 급해요

영어 문제질문(문법) 내공100!

... To the extent that we are misinformed of ignorant, our moral thinking (is flawed). Of course, we can never know all the facts; and often we have no time to research...


이 문장에서 it-that의 관계 분석좀...

According to evolutionary psychologists, It is adaptive to the extent that it helped our ancestors avoid situations in which the margin of error between life and death was slim....


영어 문법

... us to the extent가 원래 문장입니다. 따라서 뒤에 있는 extent가 앞에 것과 동일함으로 생략했고, 관계대명사가 전치사로 끝나게 될때는 가급적 앞으로...


동사자리 질문이요.

The products we use change constantly, which means personalities, to the extent that they are intimately connected to the products we use, (keeping/keep) changing also. 여기서...


번역 부탁드립니다

여기서 “To the extent his tenure served the president, it came at great cost to the nation.” 어떻게 번역하면 좋을까요? For Bolton was the polar opposite...


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