struggle Qna 관련 답변 25 페이지

토익 part7지문 문장 구조분석.....

... is ) struggle to become a successful solo act. 전치사+명사 생략 관.... 내용을 따른다[잇는다.] struggle이 명사로도 쓰이거든요.저기서는 명사에요. through her 23-year struggle


영어 ~하는 것 으로 끝나는 문장

... strive, struggle, swear, threaten, want(=would like/love), venture, volunteer, vow, wait, wish, yearn (c) 명령/의무/제의/필요; agree, instruct, order, need, pay, profess...

태그: 영어, 영어문장, 영어문법, 도와주세요, 설명부탁합니다

영어 첨삭이나 문법적으로 잘못된 부분...

... power struggle over incestuous marriage and Buddhism. I thought it would be... power struggle over incestuous marriages and Buddhism. I thought it would...


영작 ㅜㅜ

... This movie depicts the protagonist's struggle to save people who are trapped in AI-made spaces and are being used as energy to prolong AI's life as soon as they are born in a world...


The important of wha

... difficult struggle for life" 여기서 what이... difficult struggle for life" 여기서 what이... -> 예문 중 what Darwin called "the difficult struggle for life"에서...


영어문장 좀 봐주세요!

... I struggle with! 문법적으로 맞지 않거나 어색한 문장인가요? That's kind of stuff that I struggle with!... It is what I have to struggle with 와 같은 형태가 더...


I dont know how to pray 가사해섯

... your struggle as a kid Like trying—feeling like you don't know yourself I feel like... your struggle as a kid 한 아이로서 스스로 싸워나갈 수 있는 방법...


영어 독해,문법좀 부탁드립니다

... to struggle to keep up is somehow a failing on your... to struggle다음의 to 가 어떠한 방식(전치사... to struggle to keep up is somehow a failing on your part...


영어 독해좀 해 주세요ㅜㅜ 내공20

... you struggle against it, you dig yourself deeper into... So, if you get stuck, do not struggle. Relax and move... you struggle against it, you dig yourself deeper into it....


분사구문의 의미상 주어, 관사의 사용

... Starting something new is just too much of a struggle.에서 much는 명사도 형용사도 아닌데 of a struggle의... Starting something new is just too much of a struggle....


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