laundry Qna 관련 답변 24 페이지

번역좀 부탁드립니다

... the laundry? men do 29% of the 419 million loads of laundry washed each week almost all unmarried men do at... who does the laundry? 누가 세탁을 하나? men do...


mssql 쿼리질문 기간별 조회

CREATE TABLE laundry ( laundryNum INT IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, laundryWay... join laundry on member.memberid = laundry.memberid left outer join receipt on...


능동태 문장을 주어진 주어로 시작하는...

... the laundry and the dishes -________________by Cindy... the laundry and the dishes -________________by Cindy 정답: Her mom was helped to do the laundry and...


문법 영작

... (do the laundry) 5. 그들은 작년에 학생이었어요. (last year) 6. 너의... (do the laundry) Did they do the laundry yesterday? 5. 그들은 작년에...



... voting laundry dust remove applicant bank account jewerly brooch talented involve... 투표 laundry - 세탁 dust - 먼지 remove - 제거하다 applicant - 지원자...


두 문장 차이좀 자세히 설명해주실분

I wrung out the laundry by hand so it would dry faster. I wrung out the laundry by hand to dry faster. 두 문장다... the laundry by hand so that it would dry faster.(O) I wrung out the...


영어 해석좀 부탁드리겠습니다

... the laundry/dry cleaning charges. please remember ti sign your name, otherwise your laundry will not be... the laundry/dry cleaning charges. please remember ti sign...


영어 단어 뜻과 읽는 것을 한글로 해석한 것

... slices: chicken: spup: cream: groceries: laundry: ironed: shirts: baking: serious: near... 글로서리 laundry: 세탁소 발음 : 라운드리 ironed: 다림질한 발음 : 아이언드...


영어 잘하시는 분

... If you leave now, you will arive on time. 2. If you don't hurry, you will miss the bus. 3. If it is sunny in the afternoon, I will do the laundry.

태그: 중2영어, 영어, 문제풀이


1.Could you give me a hand When I do the laundry? 2.Could you speak up when you take... 도움되시길~ 1.Could you give me a hand When I do the laundry? 빨래 할 때...


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