occupying Qna 관련 답변 23 페이지


귀 수술관련 문제때문에 검사 결과로...

... 4. Brain parenchyme에 space occupying lesion이나 abnormal SI는 관찰되지 않는다. 5. 관찰되는 PNS, orbits, intracranial arteries에 이상 소견은 보이지 않는다....

태그: 이비인후과, , 수술, 난청

번역*^^* 영어공부한다 치고...

A U.S civilian administrator "would put America in the position of an occupying power, not a liberator," says lieberman, who is running for the Democratic nomination for president...


해석 좀 해주세요!

Occupying the entire hall of a 3000 square meter area of exhibit space in the World Tower... 여기서 주어 동사가 뭔지 감이 안잡히네여ㅠㅠ 주어가 occupying...


풍선이 줄어드는 이유......(참고로 풍선...

... 영어로 'gas has lost in the nallons as the molecules of gas move freely and randomly in all directions at a high speeds and occupying any available space.' 압력과 온도에 따라 풍선이...


(독도) 일본이 주장하는 이 내용에 반박할...

... government in those diplomatic documents like "Rusk documents", they ignored this international determination and started occupying the islets illegally from 1952. 竹島問題はきわめて単純です。...


심리학 관련 논문 번역 부탁드립니다.

... categories, occupying opposite ends of a single continuum. An individual could be... as occupying the extreme ends of a single bipolar continuum. She proffered mascu...

태그: 심리학, 논문번역, MMPI, 보충척도

영어로 문법에 맞춰서 써주세요(파파고X)

... 생각한다"라는 문장을 영어로 바꿔주세요 I think this is the book describing very well how the people of the lower classes lived during occupying Korea by force.


ㅠㅠ아까질문 답변감사드리는데 하나만...

... One strategy for occupying such an environment is to have a rapid life cycle, so that the plant can produce seed before the next flood occurs. In addition, it is important to...


Ct 소견서 해석좀 부탁 드립니다

... Focal space occupying lesion 없음. Gall bladder other biliary trees ; GB stone등 focal space occupying lesion 없고 biliary tree에 dilatation 소견 관찰되지 않음...


영어 능력자님 부탁드려요ㅠㅠ

... were occupying La Cotte de St Brelade in Jersey, where they lit fires and... and were occupying La Cotte de St Brelade in Jersey, 그리고 져지에 있는...


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