to get Qna 관련 답변 22 페이지


come/get/grow to v 질문드립니다

... -> grow to v에만 해당되고, come / get to는 준조동사 역활을 합니다. become 은 보어로 to v를 못 가지는 것 맞나요? -> 맞습니다.


to get ~ 명령

He received from Al-Asiri the newly designed underwear bomb and instructions "to get on a plane from a safe airport", and "blow himself up over the U.S". 이 문장에서 get 앞에...


How to Get over Your Mood Swings

... As the season begins to change and fall is around the corner, many people find it hard to handle their feelings. They get irritated for no reason or suddenly feel down...


I wanted to get them

I wanted to get them something special, so I decided to surprise them with a digital camera. 저는 부모님께 특별한 선물을 드리고 싶었고, 이문장에서 Get them 이 어떤...


you are waiting for her to get ready

you are waiting for her to get ready you are waiting for her 너는 그녀를 기다리고있는중이다 to get ready 준비하는것을?/준비하기를? 뭐가맞는거죱 그리고 to get ready가...


i need to get these reports to be...

i need to get these reports to be copied right now에서 5형식동사는 목적어자리에 to부정사가 올수 없다고하는데 윗문장의 형식은 어떻게되나요? 그리고 get은...


It was too hot to get any work done

It was too hot to get any work done 이 문장에서 왜 to do가 안되고 done이 되어야 하는 이유 전문적으로 좀 ㅠㅠ to do는 무조건 틀렸습니다 제발 부탁드려요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ...


with the designers to get this place lo

chugur said, " i personally worked with the designers to get this place looking exactly like how i remember some of the southern restaurants i went to as a kid in Alabama 구문...


got to embark on a journey to get there

they've got to embark on a journey to get there 그들은 그곳에 가기위한 여행에 착수해야 한다. -> have got는 have의 뜻이라고 생각하면 된다고 배웠는데 그냥 have to를...

태그: 영어문법, 영어회화

get 은 사역동사이지만 to부정사를...

... the problem will to get the students thinking. 이게 아닌가요? 영어공부를 시작한지 얼마 되지 않아서.. 잘 모르겠네요. 가르쳐 주세요. 안녕하세요. get...


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