sea ocean Qna 관련 답변 22 페이지


영어로 바꿔주세요

... 인도양 4.북빙양 5.남빙양 1.대서양 Atlantic Ocean 2.태평양 Pacific Ocean 3.인도양 Indian Ocean 4.북빙양 Arctic Ocean 5.남빙양 Antarctic Ocean[Sea]

태그: 문제풀이

급해요^^ 영어고수님들 ㅠㅠ

... The word "sea" means "ocean" and "quake" means "shake". When a seaquake takes place at the bottom of the ocean, the ocean floor shakes, and big waves move across the sea at...


영어 문법적, 문맥상 틀린 부분있으면...

... Clothing waste flows into the sea to pollute the ocean. 의류쓰레기는 바다로 흘러 해양을 오염시킨다. I think these small practices come together and...


Into the Deep Ocean Exploration 해석좀

... Scientists on the ship tested the temperature and density of sea water They gathered information about ocean currents and meteorology. They discovered an underwater mountain...


영어단어에 영어뜻.... 앞일이...

... ocean 바다 :The ocean is the sea. An ocean is one of the five very large areas of sea on the Earth's surface. bath 목욕 : A bath is a container, usually a long...


영어 문법 질문

안녕하세요~ While the sea life in the Indian Ocean is not as diverse as that of other places because of how warm the water is, 여기에서 the sea life의 지시대명사로 this는 왜...


번역 부탁드려요~ 대충이라도~ ㅜㅜ.

This feeling of love that I hold within my heart for you runs deeper than any ocean or sea, I just wish you could see how much you mean to me. If only you could hold me...


호수, 바다 (sea), bay, gulf...[급합니다]

... (Red sea, black sea, midterrian sea <- 요렇게요) 그 대륙이 둘려 쌓여져 있는 (touch 하고 있는 바다 ocean) 이걸 말 안해도 되죠...? 그럼... 제발 도움좀 주세요 - 내공드립니다....


한 부분만이라도 꼭 좀...

... For the first time in history the medium of the world's commercial activity was the "Ocean Sea," which connects all lands of the earth; the Atlantic became...


이 영어문법이 맞는지 알려주세요.

... Tube worm: They live in the deep sea of the Pacific Ocean over 2000 meters. They live for 200 years and their length is 2m. Galapagos tortoise: galapagos...

태그: 문법, 영어

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