long run Qna 관련 답변 22 페이지

영어 독해 해주세요... (내공 20)

... Yet experts warn that some forms of irrigation can hurt the land in the long run. Sometimes irrigation water contains large quantities of dissolved salt. Over time the...


경영전략에 관함 영어 번역해주세요...

To set an accurate strategic fundamental, Porter stressed the need to set economic fundamental goals -- earning a good return on capital over the long-run. Shareholder value is...


영어 문법

... the experts insist that nuclear waste be a greater danger to local people in the long run. 4. I cannot hardly keep up with my children when climbing the...


영어편지 번역 부탁드려요~

... I'm really proud of you to run 30 km, that is a very long run, you're a great sportwoman I guess, I never did such a big one. I'm still preparing the 20km, I will run...


이 영어문장 해석어떻게 할까요?

... the long run. 1.Today’s domestic cat has become the pet of choice for millions of people around the world. In the U.S. alone, more than 30 million pet cats now...

태그: 영어해석, 영어문법


... If you don't use a machine for a long time, it will get rusty and become useless in the long run. It is the same with the human body. I Just finished reading your book...


학교 영어 시험에 나왔던 문제인데.....

... A:That's not so important, in the long run. I've learned that if I save a little her and there, it doesn't really amount to much anyway. But if I do busimess with people I...



... Perseverance will prevail in the long run. He informed himself of all necessary procedures. What is the criterion of beauty? He is not consistent in his action. 그는...


영어 해석 좀 부탁합니다

... 3.a) What is happening in the long run? Describe what is occurring to the curves in your diagram, and what the final equilibrium will look like. b) Under what...


영->한 간단한 마케팅 이론 번역좀...

... Societal marketing concept: The idea that a company's marketing decisions should consider consumer' wants, the company's requirements, cunsumer'' long-run...


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