lift Qna 관련 답변 22 페이지

중2 영어 소유격관계대명사 whose 문장...

... a lift machine, GujungGi. - Its use is to lifted heavy objects. = He created a lift machine GujungGi whose use is... a lift machine, GujungGi. - he created a lift machine...

태그: 중2영어, 중2, 소유격관계대명사, whose, 영어문법

선사인보이스 용어 문의

C.M.C 랑 lift on/off CHG 가 뭔가요? T.H.C를 받는데 lift on/off 를 추가로 받는... LIFT ON/OFF 비용은 FCL로 진행하셔서 컨테이너 들고 내렸다가 하는 크레인...


영어 고2 질문

... help lift children에서 help+목적어+ (to) 동사원형이 ~가 ~하도록 돕다 라고 필기를 했는데 lift 목적어인가요?... help lift children 아이들을 벗어나게 하는 것을 돕다...


예를 들어 He was strong enough to lift

... to lift the box. 라는 문장을 뜻이 같도록 하면 =He was (so) strong (that) he (could) lift the box. 의 괄호에... 예를들어 He was so weak that he couldn't lift the box....


접속사 that 구별법

I feel so tired that I don’t think I’ll be able to lift my feet 1. 이 문장에서 tired... to lift my feet 1. 이 문장에서 tired 다음에 나오는 that은 접속사 결과 맞죠?...


영어 풀어주세요

... He is so strong that he can lift the table. 2. He is so weak that he can't lift the table. 3. I was so... I am strong enough to lift that box. 5. Rhe box...

태그: 영어, 영문제, 영문법

영어 질문

... to lift a hand against mother England: therefore, they tried to remain neutral.... to lift a hand against mother England: therefore, they tried to remain neutral....


enough가 명사를 꾸며줄 때는 앞에서...

... to lift the boxes처럼 형용사나 부사를 꾸며줄 때는 뒤에서... to lift the boxes처럼 형용사나 부사를 꾸며줄 때는 뒤에서 꾸며주잖아요.....


중2, 영어, to부정사, 명사적용법 vs....

... C: Which boxes were more difficult to lift? (to lift) => 어느 박스가 들기 더... C: Which boxes were more difficult to lift? (to lift) => 어느 박스가 들기 더 어렵냐? =>세개...


영어 문법 질문

The box is so heavy that we can't lift.에서 그냥 life가 아니라 lift it이라 해야... The box is {so} heavy {that we can't lift...}. 에서 그냥 life가 아니라 lift...

태그: 영어문법, 영어

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