1hours Qna 관련 답변 22 페이지

문법 문제 질문

오랜만입니다 Designated security guards swith stations to ensure proper surveillance of the state Museum at ----hours. 1. full 2. all 3. every 4. past full 이 안되는...


영어일기좀1월29일까지 (한글→영어)

... Too good enough to call the boat a lot after eating, Heiji like this would be too close to the gook ahswiwoseo 1 hours 30 minutes to go in the room singing to go home and play a little more separated....


영어로 번역해주세요~ 급하니까 내공30~

... That place our country and parallax are born 1 hours. It sent one day and it followed the guide and also the multi place caliber did. The foreign nation person will be many and...


1 1/2을 영어로 어떻게 읽나요??

1 1/2 hours-watch TV 라는 문구에서 1 1/2을 어떻게 읽나요??? 그리구요, 추가질문 있거든요. 그는 테니스를 화요일 Lunch break시간에 한다, -> He takes a...


Los Angeles is three hours behind...

Los Angeles is three hours behind Boston, not three hours ahead. 위 문장의 해석에 아래와 같은 두가지 견해가 지식in 에서 보이네요. 1. 로스엔젤레스는 보스턴 시간의 세시간...


c++초보 질문이요ㅠㅠ

... define FRIEND_OPERATOR_PLUS class Time { int hours; int minutes; public: Time() { hours = 0; minutes = 0; } Time(int h, int m) { hours = h; hours += m...


C++ 코드 해석 질문

... string amPm = time.substr(pos1 + 1); int hours = stoi(hour); if ((amPm == "AM" || amPm == "am"||amPm == "Am" || amPm == "aM") && hours == 12) hours = 0; else if ((amPm...


해석해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.(내공...

... What would happen in a few hours? 1) Everyone would try to pull the sword from the stone. 2) Arthur would fight a knight. 3) Arthur would be king. 4) Arthur sould be...


fla 플래시 소스를 애니메이트로 바꾸기

... D_hours=24-present.getHours()-1; D_hours=Add_0(D_hours); difference-=D_hours*60*60*1000; D_minutes=60-present.getMinutes()-1; D_minutes=Add_0(D_minutes); difference-=D...



... 1.too many working hours 1.too 많은 일한 시간. 2.secondary school kids t work 2.secondary 학교는 t 직업을 속입니다. 3.part-time jobs in the united states...


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