slavery Qna 관련 답변 21 페이지

영어 어법 질문

Slavery ended with the Civil War, and neither do did Tubman... Slavery ended with the Civil War, and neither did Tubman's... -Slavery ended with the Civil War가 긍정문이기...

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이거 영어를 한글로 해석해주세요

... of slavery. Lincoln's speeches reveal his insight and his simple eloquence. Running... of slavery. 그의 정치경력은 미국인들이 노예문제에대해 의견이...



... anti-slavery circuit. He traveled thousands of miles... of slavery. While the speech surely made even the most... anti-slavery circuit.프레데릭 더글라스는...


영어를 한글발음으로 써 주세요..ㅜ_ㅜ

... of slavery. At this time Lincoln was against ridding the slavery system and actually supported slavery. In 1858 during the election for Senate, Douglas represented the...


영문 법조항 용어(분류체계)가 궁긍합니다.

... of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom, as well as forced or compulsory labour, including the forced or...

태그: 법조항, , 영문법조항

번역 부탁드립니다. 내공 [10]

... in slavery. Shortly after North America was settled... Slavery died out in the North by the nineteenth... in slavery. - 이런 법들은 남북전쟁 이후 효력이...


해석좀 부탁들요 !! 빨리요

... of slavery. He was an advocate for the apologists and wanted slavery to be sustained throughout the states... of slavery. 하지만, 그의 연설은 매우...


영어고수님들 잠시만 봐주고가세요...

... of slavery, but of liberty." @ 영문을 우리말로 해석합니다. "The rich... of slavery, but of liberty." "그렇지만, 모든 세금은, 그것을 지불하는...


영어 해석 부탁드려요

... During Lincoln's lifetime, slavery was accepted and practiced by many people. But he belived that slavery was... During Lincoln's lifetime, slavery was accepted and...


번역3문장 부탁드려요,,

... to slavery. When Abraham was seven, the family moved to southern Indiana. Abraham... to slavery. 아브라함의 부모님 모두 노예법에 반대 때문에...


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